
  • 网络sleeveless
  1. 穿一字领的无袖上衣可以弱化太过丰满的胸部。

    Wear a sleeveless top with a wide boat neck to soften a very full bust .

  2. 男女职员都反对穿白上衣的时候配花内衣,以及穿拖鞋、凉鞋或者无袖上衣。

    Both sexes disapproved of colourful underwear under a white top , slippers or and sleeveless clothes .

  3. 去佛教寺庙时尽量穿着端庄,不要穿裤装或是无袖上衣。

    Dress modestly when visiting Buddhist temples . Don 't wear pants and clothes without sleeves .

  4. 2010年,越南美发师金多用100万米长的人发做了一件独特的无袖上衣。

    In 2010 , Vietnamese hairdresser Kim Do created a unique tunic from one million meters of human hair .

  5. 此照片中,我们看到黑色直脚裤和无袖上衣的小荷叶边的胸部区。

    In this photo we see black straight-leg pants and a sleeveless blouse with little flounces in the chest area .

  6. 从夹趾凉鞋到无袖上衣,似乎每家店都在卖着那些配有闪亮的刺绣或金属片的服饰。

    From flip-flops and sleeveless tops , it seemed every shop was selling clothes embellished with either shiny embroidery or sequins .

  7. 萨沙也不再佩戴儿童发带,而选择了有光泽的卷发,搭配鲜艳的溜冰裙、动感的无袖上衣和时髦的复古娃娃鞋。

    Childish headbands were discarded for curly , glossy hairstyles , and she too began to sport colourful skater skirts , vibrant shell-tops and fashionably retro Mary-Jane shoes .

  8. 但实际效果是一样的:两人都突然穿起了风格简洁的窄裙(两人都钟爱深灰色)、无袖上衣和宽立领外套。

    But the net effect is bound to be the same : a sudden run on neat little skirt suits ( charcoal grey is a favourite of both ), sleeveless tops , and coats with stand-away collars .

  9. 着救生衣的说明就写在你椅子前面袋子里的卡片上。买一些金属片,将其缝在无袖上衣的领口处,或是在衣服前襟缝上一个想象丰富的图案。

    Instructions for don the life jacket is give on the card in the pocket in front of your seat . Buy some sequins and sew them around the neckline of a sleeveless top or sew an imaginative design on the front .

  10. (中世纪)穿在锁子甲底下的一种轻便无袖金属上衣。

    ( medieval ) a light sleeveless coat of meal worn under the hauberk .