
gōng wù
  • official business;public affairs
公务 [gōng wù]
  • [public affairs;official business] 公事,关于国家或集体的事务

  • [慎]从吉勤于公务,而疏于训子。--《宋史.张鉴等传论》

  • 公务在身

公务[gōng wù]
  1. 公务回避制度的比较与思考

    Comparison and Reflections on the Withdrawal System in Public Affairs

  2. 集群制移动通信系统在铁路公务通信网中的应用

    Application of the Trunked Communication System in the Railway Public Affairs Communication Network

  3. 昨天有一名警察在执行公务时受伤。

    A policeman was injured in the line of duty yesterday .

  4. 他于三月到东京进行了一次公务访问。

    He made an official visit to Tokyo in March .

  5. 我知道我们是朋友,但这完全是公务。

    I know we 're friends , but this is strictly business .

  6. 他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务。

    They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty .

  7. 这是她的首桩公务。

    This was her first official engagement .

  8. 她用一种公务口吻,说话干脆利落。

    She adopted a brisk businesslike tone .

  9. 10万联邦公务人员将被辞退以减少赤字。

    100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit

  10. 如今人们都看不起那些从事公务工作的人。

    It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life

  11. 首相开始感到公务繁忙的压力了。

    The strains of office are beginning to tell on the prime minister .

  12. 格斯特先生因为将他们拒之门外,现在面临妨碍公务的刑事指控。

    Mr Guest refused to let them in and now faces a criminal charge of obstruction .

  13. 我很想参加聚会,但恐怕我另有公务,难以脱身。

    I 'd come to the party but I 'm afraid I 'm otherwise engaged .

  14. 他的公务繁重,身体变坏了。

    He broke down under the strain of his position .

  15. 公务使他繁忙不堪。

    His official duties kept him busy .

  16. 公务活动需要安排用餐的,应当根据实际情况,节俭安排用餐数量、形式,不得超过规定的标准。

    Catering arrangements for work-related events should be based on the actual circumstances and all the details such as amount of dishes and way of dining should follow the principle of frugality and not go beyond the standard thereof .

  17. 11000名奥运健儿以及支持人员和媒体均被告知不能在公务车上与司机交谈,屡次或“恶意”违规将面临罚款、取消参赛资格、取消奖牌,甚至被驱逐出境的处罚。

    The 11000 competitors at the Games , along with support staff and media , have also been told they cannot speak to a driver in an official vehicle – and will face the threat of fines , disqualification , medals being taken away and even deportation " offences .

  18. 但持外交、公务、礼遇、C字签证入境不受影响。

    However , entry with diplomatic , service , courtesy or C visas will not be affected .

  19. Igotheldupatwork.我在单位公务缠身。你为什么这么晚才回来?

    A : Why are you getting home so late ? B : I got held up at my job .

  20. RNA干涉的研究进展论妨害公务的行为

    Theory of administrative interfering Advances in RNA interfering

  21. PrimusEpic系统将用于21世纪公务/支线飞机驾驶舱的设计

    Primus Epic System for Cockpit Design in the 21st Century

  22. 在欧洲版的车型中,明亮的LED尾灯会频闪以提醒逼近车辆的驾驶员(美国目前的规定只限急救车和公务车使用频闪灯)。

    In Euro-spec cars , the brilliant LED taillights strobe to alert the driver of the closing car ( U.S. regs currently limit strobing lights to emergency and official vehicles ) .

  23. 别具一格的日式乡村温泉,古埃及桑拿浴室,阳光温泉SPA,室内外连通的温泉泳池,私家豪华影院、各式海上娱乐项目等将为您在公务之余提供完美的休闲度假体验。

    In & Out-door Swimming Pools , Japanese Hot Spring , Ancient Egyptian Sauna Rooms , Sunshine SPA and a private cinema * all these will bring the most relaxation for your business trip .

  24. 英国工作与养老金部,英国税务海关总署,驾驶员和车辆协会和国民医疗服务体系都是是公务体系中已经承认Mx称谓的机构。

    The Department for Work and Pensions , HM Revenue and Customs , the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency and the NHS are among those public bodies now accepting the Mx title .

  25. 世界自然基金会的TracyTsang说,香港政府没有禁止在公务宴请中食用鱼翅,而且还在活动人士提出这个问题时屡次加以回避。

    The Hong Kong government hasn 't banned shark 's fin from official banquets , says Tracy Tsang of the WWF , and repeatedly dodged the question whenever activists raise the issue .

  26. 截至9月30日的三个月中,Embraer交付的公务机仅为15架,去年同期为25架,上一季度为29架。

    Embraer delivered only 15 executive jets in the three months to September 30 , compared to 25 jets in the same period last year , and 29 in the second quarter .

  27. 这些指控浮出水面之际,东京都知事舛添要一(YoichiMasuzoe)再次受到密切关注,他面临着不少质疑,包括在海外公务旅行时开销巨大,以及大量使用市政府的公车去自己的度假屋。

    The allegations have come to light amid renewed scrutiny of Tokyo 's governor , Yoichi Masuzoe , who faces questions over huge spending on official trips overseas and the heavy use of Tokyo metropolitan government vehicles to visit his holiday home .

  28. 我想,政府官员们会喜欢公务卡的。

    I think government bosses would like to have government cards .

  29. 地方公务人员规范补贴不规范的危害及其治理

    The Harm and Prevention of Abnormal Subsidies of Local Civil Servants

  30. 我们是汉中市交通局的公务人员。

    We are civil servants of the Communications Bureau of Hanzhong .