
ɡōnɡ yánɡ chuán
  • Spring and Autumn Annals Commentary by Gongyang Gao
  1. 试释《春秋公羊传》的四讳理论

    The Four-Taboo Theory of " Chun Qiu Gong Yang Zhuan "

  2. 《春秋公羊传》属于经传体训诂,主要采用了设问句与判断句相结合的训诂格式,同时还使用了灵活多样的训诂术语,二者巧妙结合形成了其在训诂用语方面的显著特色。

    " Chunqiu Gongyangzhuan " is a classical works exegesis . It mainly adopted the combination of question-answer sentence with judging sentence and diversified exegetical terminology as well .

  3. 在董仲舒思想中,由春秋公羊学发展至“天人感应”学说得益于“微言大义”诠释方法对《春秋公羊传》的诠释解读。

    Dong Zhongshu 's theory of heaven-human induction benefited from the interpretative method used in annotating Spring and Autumn Annals .