
  • 网络Public logistics information platform;Public Logistic Information Platform PLIP;PLIP
  1. 区域公共物流信息平台系统设计

    The System Design of Regional Public Logistics Information Platform

  2. 第四章主要介绍公共物流信息平台的运营模式,通过分析已有的运营模式,得出适合现阶段的物流信息平台的运营模式。

    The fourth chapter introduces the available business model of common Logistics Information Platform .

  3. 区域性公共物流信息平台对于地方经济的发展具有重要作用。

    Regional public logistics information platform plays an important role in local economic development .

  4. 口岸公共物流信息平台建设规划

    Research on Port Logistics Information Platform Construction

  5. 最后,在此基础上进行了平台的开发,最终实现了功能较完善的公共物流信息平台。

    Finally , it develops the platform based on it , and achieves a complete Public Logistics Information Platform ultimately .

  6. 公共物流信息平台能整合各种信息资源,完成各系统之间的数据交换,实现信息共享。

    The public logistics information platforms can integrate various information resources . Realize the data exchange among the systems and information share .

  7. 公共物流信息平台可以整合社会闲散资源,能够对信息高度集成,对系统用户提供信息服务和为决策提供辅助。

    Logistics Information Platform can integrate social idle resources and information , and for the system user provide information services and assistance for decision-making .

  8. 实践上,为公共物流信息平台的搭建提供了一种参考标准,可作为公共物流信息平台的开发指南。

    Practice , for the erection of public logistics information platform provides a point of reference , as a public logistics information platform development guide .

  9. 实施绿色物流服务管理,明确茶叶产业绿色物流服务原则、加强茶叶绿色物流技术的研究开发以及公共物流信息平台建设;

    Apply green logistics management , establish service principles for green logistics of tea , strengthen the research and development of green logistics technology of tea and the construction of public logistics information platform .

  10. 其次,通过对山东省交通运输业物流信息化发展现状,问题及市场客户、风险分析、需求分析的研究,为山东省交通运输业公共物流信息平台项目建设提供了现实基础。

    Second , through the research of the present situation , problems , the customers , the risk analysis and demand analysis , this research provides the practical basis for the public logistic information platform of the whole province .

  11. 最后论文结合论文来源的示范工程&通辽公共物流信息平台,给出了实证研究,通过实证研究找出了理论研究存在的不足,丰富和完善了论文研究成果。

    Finally , the paper source model works in conjunction with papers & Tongliao public logistics information platform , providing a positive studies through empirical research to identify the existence of a theoretical study inadequate , rich and perfect a thesis research results .

  12. 针对南宁地区构建公共物流信息平台的构建、项目实施与管理,从而验证了公共物流信息平台构建路径和逻辑分析的有效性和合理性。

    It verifies the validity and rationality of both the constructing path for logistics information platform and the logical analysis , from the research regarding the construction of public logistics information platform , and the implementation and management of the project in Nanning .

  13. 构建一个高效的区域性公共物流信息平台需要有区域物流及其规划理论、物流息化理论作为理论基础,并要深入分析区域经济与物流的现状,按照一定的路径进行构建。

    Building an efficient regional public logistics information platform should be theoretically based upon regional logistics and its planning theory , as well as logistics information theory . Built according to certain paths , it also needs in-depth analysis of current situations regarding regional economy and logistics .

  14. 在对天津滨海新区的发展趋势以及国内外相关系统分析的基础上,针对天津滨海新区对公共物流信息平台的需求,对其物流信息平台的系统框架进行了设计。

    On the basis of analyzing the developing trend of the new coastal region of Tianjin and the relative system both at home and abroad , aiming at the demand of public logistics information platform at the region , the paper designs the systematic framework for the platform .

  15. 文章对公共物流信息服务平台(PLISP)的概念与属性、运作基础、建设模式进行了探讨,提出了PLISP的解决方案。

    This paper probes into the concept , attribute , operation base and building model of public logistics information service platform ( PLISP ) and also gives a solution to PLISP .

  16. 介绍并分析了公共物流信息系统平台主要功能及其实现方法;

    Introducing and analyzed the main function of the public logistics information system platforms and in actualize method ;

  17. 公共物流信息系统平台是构建在各个企业物流信息系统之上的,为了实现数据共享、信息共享及行业指导而建立的物流服务平台。

    The public spacial logistics information system platforms is built on various enterprise information systems and its purpose is to achieve data sharing , information sharing and industrial guidance .