
  1. 以此为基础,本文对中韩自由贸易区的建立进行了SWOT分析,总结中韩自由贸易区建立的优势、劣势、机会及挑战。

    On the basis of which , this paper caries out a SWOT analysis on the establishment of a China-Korea free trade zone . In addition , I summarize the advantages , disadvantages , opportunities , and challenges , of establishing a China-Korea free trade zone .

  2. 中韩自由贸易区预期产业效应的实证分析&以中国钢铁业为例

    Empirical Analysis on the Expected Effects on Industries of the China-Korea FTA

  3. 最后一部分提出了建立中韩自由贸易区的对策。

    The last part of the paper proposed solutions .

  4. 第二部分论证了建立中韩自由贸易区的价值定位。

    The second part demonstrated the value of establishment of China-South Korea Free Trade Area .

  5. 加快建立中韩自由贸易区推动东亚经济一体化

    Speeding Up the Construction of Sino-Korean Free Trade Area to Promote the East Asian Economic Integration

  6. 中韩自由贸易区的建立对中韩两国净出口与就业影响的实证分析

    The Influences of Sino-Korean FTA on the Net Export and Employment in Both Countries : an Empirical Analysis

  7. 最后,文章提出了对中国贸易政策调整的对策与建议,把建立中韩自由贸易区作为解决双边贸易不平衡问题的长期解决方案。

    It proposed the establishment of China-South Korea FTA will serve as a long-term solution to the current trade deficit .

  8. 中韩自由贸易区建立对两国贸易影响的实证分析中韩两国合作推进双边自由贸易区问题探讨

    An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Establishment of China-Korea FTA on Bilateral Trade Countermeasures for the Establishment of China-South Korea Free Area

  9. 通过分析发现,虽然目前建立中韩自由贸易区有很强的现实性和必要性,但是,机遇与挑战并存。

    Through the analysis we can found that although the establishment of China-South Korea Free Trade is very important , however , both opportunities and challenges .

  10. 中韩自由贸易区的建立整体上不仅使两国产生巨大的经济利益,而且还会推进东亚经济化一体化进程。

    The establishment of China-South Korea Free Trade Area can not only bring enormous economic benefits , but also push forward the integration process of East Asian economies .

  11. 在构建中韩自由贸易区研究的理论框架和模型分析的基础上,本文对中韩自由贸易区的经济效应和可行性进行了实证研究。

    Basing on the construction of the theoretical framework and the analysis model , the paper researches the economic effects and feasibility of China - South Korea Free Trade Area .

  12. 为了能够推动中韩自由贸易区的早日实现,本文在对全文研究结论进行总结的基础上,分析了目前在农产品贸易方面阻碍中韩自由贸易区实现的因素,并就此提出了相应的政策建议。

    This chapter made a conclusion to the study . And based on this , it analysis the current barriers to agricultural trade between China and South Korea and make corresponding policy recommendations .

  13. 本文最后以大量研究为基础,得出中韩自由贸易区的建立是可行的,并针对中韩自由贸易区建立的准备、实施过程分别提出了初期、后期对策和建议。

    Finally , this paper concludes that the establishment of China and Korea free trade area is feasible , and puts forward recommendations and measures for the preparation and execution processes of establishing a successful China-Korea free trade zone .

  14. 本文要解决的主要问题有中韩自由贸易区建立之后的经济效应和发展前景如何,以及建立的现实可行性怎么样。

    It is based on such a consideration , this paper want to resolve the main issues : the economic effects and prospects for development after the establishment of China-South Korea FTA ; and how about the feasibility of the establishment .

  15. 经过5次联合研究会议,中韩自由贸易区的官产学联合研究已经于2010年5月28日宣告结束,下一步双方将就各自关心的问题进一步交换意见,争取早日启动谈判。

    After five joint reasearch conferences China and South Korea free trade area have ended the officer with the combination of production and learning stage in May 28,2010 . Next the two sides will exchange views and strive for starting negotiation early .

  16. 中韩建立农产品自由贸易区经济效应分析

    Research on Economic and Trade Effects of Establishing Sino-Korea Free Trade Zone in Agriculture

  17. 第五章在第四章的研究基础上,分析中韩两国是否具备双边自由贸易区发展的关键成功因素以及中韩自由贸易区的发展前景。

    Chapter Five , founded on the pre-chapter , proves whether China and Korea possessing the key factors required by the favorable development of bilateral free trade area , and forecasts the prospect of China-Korea Free Trade Area .

  18. 中韩两国网上购物市场状况比较研究中韩自由贸易区的建立对中韩两国净出口与就业影响的实证分析

    Comparison Study of Online Shopping Market between China and Korea ; The Influences of Sino-Korean FTA on the Net Export and Employment in Both Countries : an Empirical Analysis

  19. 然后通过对中韩贸易发展现状和中韩贸易特点的研究,分析中韩自由贸易区建立将产生的经济静态、动态效应,以及对周边关系的影响。

    Next , I analyze static and dynamic economy effects generated by the establishment of a China-Korea free trade zone and the impacts on bilateral relationships through study of the present status China and Korea trade developments .

  20. 结合中韩两国的实际情况,基于建立的理论框架、检验两国是否具备双边自由贸易区发展的关键成功因素,对中韩自由贸易区的发展前景进行分析。

    3 , verifying whether China and Korea possess the successful and critical factors during its development of the bilateral free trade area according to the reality of two countries and basing the theoretically analyzing structure built , and analyzing the prospect of China-Korea Free Trade Area .