
  1. 展望2006年,中非经贸合作将在现有良好合作基础上向更深层次、更宽领域和更高水平发展。

    Based on current good cooperation , Sino-African economic and trade cooperation in 2006 will develop toward higher level .

  2. 请您介绍一下中非经贸合作的现状以及中国对扩大双方合作所采取的新举措。

    What about the situation of Sino-African economic and trade cooperation and what new measures has China adopted to expand bilateral cooperation ?

  3. 中非经贸合作更是“南南合作”的典范。双方在贸易、投资、基础设施建设等领域广泛开展合作。

    China-Africa economic and business partnership is an example of South-South cooperation , covering extensive areas of trade , investment and infrastructure development .

  4. 十八、中非经贸合作为各自经济社会发展作出了贡献,中国对非援助和投资持续显著推动了非洲发展。

    China-Africa business cooperation has contributed to the economic and social development of both sides and Chinas assistance to and investment in Africa continues to significantly enhance Africas development .

  5. 中方重视中非经贸合作中存在的一些问题,已经并将继续与非洲国家一道,切实采取措施解决。

    China takes the issues in its business cooperation with Africa seriously . It has taken and will continue to take effective measures together with African countries to resolve them .

  6. 在结束访非之际,陈德铭接受新华社记者专访,就访非情况和当前中非经贸合作有关问题回答了记者的提问。

    At the close of his visit , Minister Chen accepted an exclusive interview by Xinhua News Agency reporter and answered his questions about the visit and Sino-Africa trade and economic cooperation .

  7. 开拓非洲市场,加强中非经贸合作,正日益受到国内企业界和学术界的关注,在这方面既有成功的经验,又存在一些不足。

    Nowadays more and more attentions are being paid to developing African markets and strengthening Sino-African economic and trade cooperations by Chinese enterprises and academic circles , in which both successful experiences and inadequacies exist .

  8. 在此之上,详细分析了中非经贸合作区建设的现状,得出了我国在非洲建设境外经贸合作区的产业定位、操作模式等。

    On top of this , a detailed analysis of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation zone construction status , our country in foreign trade and economic cooperation zones in Africa , building industry positioning , operation mode .

  9. 中非经贸合作的发展,促进了非洲国家民生的改善和经济的多元化发展,为中国经济社会发展提供了有力支持,也为促进南南合作与世界经济的平衡发展作出了积极贡献。

    China-Africa economic and trade development has improved peoples livelihoods and diversified economic development in African countries , provided strong support for Chinas socio-economic development , and contributed to promoting South-South cooperation and balanced world economic development .

  10. 中非经贸合作是中非合作的经济基础,不但可以促进双方经济的发展,而且对帮助非洲脱贫亦可发挥主体作用。

    It 's the economic basis of Sino-African cooperation in the area of economy and trade , which can promote economic development both in China and in Africa , and it can also play a key role to reduce poverty there .

  11. 略论积极发展中、非经贸合作

    On active development of Sino African Economic and trade cooperation

  12. 中非将不断扩大经贸合作,持续优化贸易结构,从而推动贸易平衡以及增加非洲高附加值产品出口。

    China and Africa will further expand their business cooperation and improve their trade mix in order to promote balanced trade and increase Africas value-added exports .

  13. 在互惠的基础上,中非双方决定建设经贸合作区,探索经济合作的新方式。

    On the basis of mutual benefits , China and Africa decide to set up economic and trade zones to explore new ways of economic cooperation .

  14. 通过中非双方共同努力,中非经贸合作基础更加坚实、机制更加完善,不断涌现新的合作契合点和增长点。

    Through the common efforts of China and Africa , bilateral economic and trade cooperation now enjoys a consolidated foundation and improved mechanisms , with new common interests and growth points in cooperation constantly emerging .

  15. 中非关系受到西方国家关注的同时也受到了相应的干扰,来自西方国家的竞争也同样不利于中非经贸合作的发展。

    Sino-African relationship is concerned by western countries , while intervened by them as well . The competition from western countries is not good for the development of Sino-African economical and trade cooperation .