
  1. 当然,目前PD银行中小企业金融服务创新仍存在不少问题。

    Of course , small and medium-sized enterprises at present PD Bank financial service innovation many problems still exist .

  2. PD银行中小企业金融服务创新的背景在于中小企业金融服务创新是PD银行战略转型的任务、是履行社会责任的要求以及中小企业产权融资市场的逐步放宽。

    PD Bank small and medium-sized enterprise financial service innovation is the background of the small and medium enterprise financial service innovation is the transformation of PD Bank strategic task , to social responsibility is the requirements of small and medium enterprise property rights and the financing market gradually relaxed .

  3. 商业银行金融服务创新及应用研究

    Research on the Financial Service Innovation & Application of Commercial Bank

  4. 第三方物流的金融服务创新物流服务在上海融通仓与物流金融服务创新

    Finance , Transportation and Warehouse : Innovative Service Integrating Logistics and Finance

  5. 营销学视角中的金融服务创新:文献评述

    Financial Services Innovation in Marketing : A Literature Survey

  6. 与银行追求高额利润和以问题解决者面貌出现的产品及金融服务创新;

    Combining PIP with banks ' high profit and products or service as " problem shooters ";

  7. 以期能为我国商业银行中小企业金融服务创新机制研究提供有价值的信息。

    In order to be able to provide valuable information for China ' scommercial banks financial services for SMEs innovation mechanism .

  8. 而随着信息技术的推动,与社会网络服务的结合,基于网络的金融服务创新为我们探索民间借贷活动提供了一个的窗口。

    Based on the development of information technology and online social network services , online financial service provides us with a real transaction based angle to investigate civil lending activities .

  9. 郫县农村信用社只有通过金融服务创新,提高郫县农村信用社的金融服务质量和竞争能力,才能实现郫县农村信用社的健康快速发展。

    Thus , the Pixian Rural Credit Union has to improve the quality of financial service and has to enhance the ability of competition by financial service innovation to promote its development .

  10. 研究金融服务创新对于满足市场需求以及提升服务型企业的服务意识,保持良好的客户关系,增加企业利润等方面都有重要的现实意义。

    Research for the financial service innovation to meet the market demand , to enhance the service-oriented business service awareness , and to maintain good customer relationships and increase corporate profits have an important practical significance .

  11. 中信实业银行金融服务网络创新产品研究

    Study on Innovation Product in Financial Service Network of CITIC industrial Bank

  12. 为此要进行农村金融服务的创新,完善农村金融体系,引导各类金融机构增加对三农的支持力度,提高服务效率,为农民增收提供完善的金融服务。

    So much has to be done to improve rural financial services .

  13. 它既是一种金融服务的创新,又是一种扶贫的重要方式。

    It is not only an innovation of financial service but also a significant mean of eliminating the poor .

  14. 小额信贷不仅仅是一种金融服务的创新,更是一个重要的扶贫方式。

    Microcredit is not merely an innovation of financial services , but an important formal financial service for poverty alleviation which helps the poor fight poverty on their own terms , in a sustainable way .

  15. 金融服务项目创新是一个包含大量交互作用的复杂过程,在不同项目创新过程中,每个行为者所扮演的角色不同,必然导致知识转移和开发客户关系的性质不同。

    Innovation of financial service project is a complex process which involves a great amount of interaction , the differences of the knowledge and the client relationship development will surely exist , because of the different roles of the dominator in different projects .

  16. 本研究通过严密的理论分析提出金融服务模块化创新的概念和要素构成。

    Based on strict theoretical analysis , this dissertation proposes the concept and elements of modularization innovation within financial service .

  17. 目前,金融服务和产品创新已经成为国内银行和国外银行竞争的重要内容。

    At present , the service and instrument innovation has become the important content between domestic and foreign banks competition .

  18. 因此,要开拓思路引导城市商业银行为地方中小企业融资服务,建立起能够实现二者之间利益双赢的金融服务机制和创新性的融资方式。

    So we should open up our mind to guide the city commercial bank to offer the local medium and small enterprises financing service , establishing the financial service mechanism and innovative financing way that can realize mutual benefit .

  19. 论我国农村金融服务的规范与创新

    Standardization and Innovation of the Rural Financial Service of our Country

  20. 不断进行金融产品与服务的创新是对商业银行保持竞争力的内在要求。

    Innovation is the intrinsic request for remaining competitiveness .

  21. 仓单质押是物流服务与金融服务相结合的创新融资服务模式之一。

    Warehouse receipt hypothecation ( WRH ) is one model of innovative financing services combining with logistics and finance service .

  22. 其次,要加大金融产品和服务的创新力度,满足多样化的农村金融需求,要通过正规金融和非正规金融双重渠道为农业发展筹集资金。

    Secondly , we must support the innovation of financial products and services , meeting the diversity needs in rural areas , raising funds both through formal and informal financial channels for agricultural development .

  23. 尽管近年来中央推动了以农村信用合作社改革为中心内容的农村金融服务体系改革与创新,可是,改革效果并不理想。

    The central government has been promoting reforms and innovations in rural financial service system . Its central part is the rural credit cooperatives ' reform . However , it turns out the result is not ideal .

  24. 自二十世纪七十年代布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来,发达国家的金融服务和衍生工具创新层出不穷,信息技术助推的网络银行不断兴起,农村金融也因此受益。

    Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1970s , innovation of financial service and derivatives had been flourishing , Inter-banking had been continually prospering boosted by information technology , rural finance was also beneficial among developed countries .

  25. 因此,国家相关机构组织开展农村金融产品和服务方式创新试点,并提出要大力推广农户联保贷款。

    Therefore , a new pilot model of financial products and services in rural areas has been carried out and the slogan - " to vigorously promote Peasant Peer-selection loan " has been also put forward by relevant National institutions .

  26. 物流金融也是供应链金融服务的创新产品,它的出现为中部地区的发展提供了一个新的思路和实施方法,具有一定的理论和现实意义。

    Its appearance provides us a new thinking way and new implementation method for the central region . It has some theoretical and practical significance .

  27. 同时,本文为商业银行提出了大力开发碳金融衍生产品,实施碳金融服务创新,积极推广低碳理念等具体的政策建议。

    Through the study , this paper put forward specific policy recommendations to the development and improvement of carbon finance market , for example , developing carbon financial derivative products , implementing the carbon innovation in financial services , promoting low-carbon concept actively , and so on .

  28. 因此,需要利用超经济规模金融资源的聚集和大量的金融服务创新来安排反锁定,以价值流引导实物流来不断进行工业结构的调整和优化。

    Therefore , it is necessary to unlock the super financial resource and financial service innovation to guide the material flow , so as to enable a constant and optimum industry structure adjustment .

  29. 随着金融全球化的迅速扩张,金融服务的创新和金融衍生品的推广给金融业的发展带来了巨大的推动作用,但同时在这巨大的发展浪潮中也蕴藏着暗潮涌动的风险。

    With the rapid expansion of financial globalization , the innovation of financial services and the promotion of financial derivatives bring the huge influence to the development of the financial industry . But at the same time , the great development opportunities also bear the risk .

  30. 论文以中信实业银行为研究对象,运用金融创新相关理论,对其金融服务网络创新产品进行了较为全面的研究。

    Based on the relevant theories about financial innovation , this paper investigates the financial service network product innovation of CITIC Industrial Bank comprehensively .