
  1. 冰雪经济是以冰雪为特征的经济,其基础是冰雪资源。

    Snow & ice economy is characterized by ice and snow , which is based on snow and ice resources .

  2. 冰雪经济涵盖于冰雪活动的第三产业,其核心动力来自冰雪旅游,以此拉动制造业、交通运输业、餐饮业、零售业等多行业共同发展。

    Snow ice economy covers the economic activity in the third industrial , its core power comes from snow ice tourism , thereby stimulating the manufacturing , transportation , catering , retail and other industries and other industries development .

  3. 2008年我国南方重大冰雪灾害直接经济损失就达1516.5亿元。

    In 2008 a major snow disaster in south China reached direct economic loss 151.65 billion Yuan .

  4. 加强高校体育场馆冬季管理促进龙江冰雪体育与经济发展

    Enhancing the Winter-days Management of University Sports Stadium and Gymnasium for Advancing the Development of Heilongjiang Winter Sports and Economy