
  • 网络Nakama
  1. 该基地位于约之间的德克萨斯州奥斯汀的资本和中间的韦科市。

    The base is located about midway between the Texas state capital of Austin and the city of Waco .

  2. 这一体制涉及到二个层面的内容:一是从层级治理角度看,市管县体制就是省县间的中间层政府地级市以上级政府的身份对下级地方行政单位县进行管辖。

    This system involves two levels of content : one is on the eyes of level management , city is the middle-level government between province and county , which the city governs the county as a higher authority government .

  3. 省直管县后,省与县之间减少了市这个中间管理层级,市的管理幅度大为缩小,市级行政区划的管理模式也将从区域型政府向城市型政府转变。

    After this system , it has reduced the original city-level administration between province and county is cut off . The control span of the city reduced greatly . And the municipal administrative divisions of the management model will also change from the regional-oriented government to urban-oriented government .