
  • 网络China national football team
  1. 2007年和2011年的亚洲杯首轮就被淘汰,而且在2002年以后的三届世界杯(WorldCup)预选赛中,成绩都远不足以取得参赛资格,这让中国国家足球队在球迷心中几乎成了笑柄。

    First-round eliminations in the 2007 and 2011 Asian Cups , combined with complete failures to even come close to qualifying for any of the three World Cups since 2002 , have made the national team something of a laughingstock among fans .

  2. 考虑到中国国家足球队不堪回首的历史记录,这个职位可能刚好适合马拉多纳。在结束了一个令人失望的赛季之后,马拉多纳上个月被迪拜球队阿尔瓦斯尔(AlWaslFC)解雇。

    Given the shambolic record of China 's national team , the position might just suit Maradona , who was fired last month from Dubai 's Al Wasl FC after a disappointing season .

  3. 嗯,中国国家足球队前面要走的路还很长啊!

    Well , there 's a long way to go for Chinese national football team .

  4. 你对中国国家足球队的水准有什么看法?

    What do you think about the standard of play of Chinese National Football Team ?

  5. 中国国家足球队并未因最近引进一些外援而一雪前耻。

    China 's recent import of foreign soccer talent similarly did not help the shameful record of its international team .

  6. 怪呢!都怪我有眼不识泰山,遇到中国国家足球队的了!

    Strange ! All blame me an eye don 't know Mount Taishan , meet China a nation football team of !

  7. 中国国家足球队首次成功晋身世界杯决赛周,举国欢腾。

    Celebrations broke out across China last night after the national soccer team reached the World Cup finals for the first time .

  8. 据报道,中国国家足球队现任主教练阿兰·佩兰已经被宣布正式下课。

    It 's been reported that Alain Perrin , the incumbent coach of Chinese national football team , has been sacked from his position .

  9. 中国国家足球队历史上仅在2002年打入世界杯决赛圈,但当时中国队在三场小组赛中均告失利,而且一球未进。

    China 's national team has qualified for the World Cup only once , in 2002 , though it failed to score a single goal once there .

  10. 在过去十年中,中国国家足球队一直未能入围世界杯,如今中国开始着手提高足球比赛的水平了。

    China 's move to raise the level of football game came as its national team has failed to qualify for the World Cup for the past decade .

  11. 中国国家男子足球队队长郑智被亚洲足球联合会(AsianFootballConfederation)评为年度最佳球员。

    Zheng Zhi , the captain of China 's national soccer team , has been named player of the year by the Asian Football Confederation .

  12. 在本周二晚以0比2的比分输给乌兹别克斯坦队之后,中国国家男子足球队四战过后仅积1分,位列B小组六支球队中的最后一名,进军2018年世界杯决赛圈的希望越发渺茫。

    China 's hope to advance to 2018 FIFA World Cup finals dimmed as they lost 0-2 to Uzbekistan on Tuesday night , collecting only one point from four matches played and standing last but one in the six-team Group B.

  13. 逻辑全能问题;中国国家男子足球队的症结

    Logic almightiness ; The Problems of the Chinese Men 's Football Team

  14. 中国男子国家足球队比赛和训练中生化指标变化的研究

    Study on the Changes of Biochemistry Index of Chinese National Men 's Soccer Team During Match and Training

  15. 中国国家女子足球队与女子世界杯足球赛各参赛队在6个时段中的失球规律基本上相符合。

    The regular rules of lost-goal in the 6 period of China Women Football Matches is according to the condition of Women World Cup Matches .

  16. 担任第一任国家足球队队长的大连籍运动员1951年底,大连籍运动员王寿先当选为新中国第一任国家足球队队长。

    As the first captain of the end of1951 , Dalian membership athletes , athletes in Dalian Wang 's first election to membership of new China 's first captain .