
  1. 中国石窟艺术的奇葩

    Exotic Flower of China Grotto Art

  2. 论中国石窟艺术的设计意匠

    Designing Intentions of Chinese Grotto Arts

  3. 尽管佛像占多数,大足石刻也有道教和儒教人物,这在中国石窟艺术中十分罕见。

    Though Buddhist statues dominate , Taoist and Confucian figures can also be seen which is rather rare in Chinese grotto art .

  4. 中国石窟艺术与印度石窟艺术之间存在着千丝万缕的联系,其中有承继,更有发展创造。

    Chinese grotto arts are of close relations with Indian grotto arts . Chinese grotto arts succeeded to Indian 's , and had more developments on it .

  5. 中国三大石窟是什么?

    What are the three famous sites of Grottoes in china ?

  6. 是中国四大石窟之一。

    One of the four major grottoes in China .

  7. 龙门石窟是中国三大石窟瑰宝之一。

    The Longmen Grottoes are one of the three major treasure houses of stone carving in China .

  8. 云冈石窟位于大同市西16公里武周山南,是中国最大的石窟之一。

    Yungang Grottoes The Yungang Grottoes , one of the largest grottoes in China , lies on the Mount Wuzhou in Datong City .

  9. 龙门石窟,中国三大石窟之一,在2000年被评为世界文化遗产。

    The Longmen Grottoes ( also Shiku ), as one of the three greatest grottoes of China , was inscribed as one of the World Culture Heritage in2000 .

  10. 但是,国内外许多人对此并不十分了解。甚至学术界在论述中国四大石窟时,却不提及新疆石窟。

    However , many people at home and abroad do not know much about this so that it was not even mentioned when scholars were talking about the top4 grottoes leaving Xinjiang alone .

  11. 云冈石窟是中国三大石窟之一,代表了公元5世纪至6世纪时期中国杰出的佛教石窟艺术,是中国佛教艺术第一个巅峰时期的经典杰作。

    Yungang Grottoes is one of three caves , representing the 6th century AD , during the 5th century to the outstanding Buddhist grotto art in China is the first peak of Chinese Buddhist art during the classics .

  12. 中国最着名的石窟中,有两处位于甘肃省,它们是莫高窟和麦积山石窟。

    Two of china 's most well-known grottoes , the Mogao Grottoes and the Maijishan grottoes , are located in Gansu province .

  13. 天龙山石窟位于山西省太原市西南约40公里处,是中国著名的古代石窟群之一。

    Tianlongshan Grottoes , one of the famous ancient grotto groups in China , are situated at about 40 km southwest of Taiyuan , Shanxi Province .