
  1. 目的观察培养过程中日本血吸虫成虫细胞培养液中氨基酸(AA)、葡萄糖(Gluc)及甘油三酯(TG)含量的动态变化。

    Objective To observe the dynamic changes in the contents of amino acid ( AA ), glucose ( Gluc ) and triglyceride ( TG ) in the culture medium containing adult Schistosoma japonicum .

  2. 低排放、省能源的日本紧凑型车技术&第33届东京国际汽车展中日本汽车技术一瞥

    Low Emission and Energy Efficient Compact Cars of Japan ELITES AND CARS

  3. 论二战中日本传播政策的法西斯化

    Reflections on the Fascism in the Japanese Media during World War Two

  4. 经济全球化中日本对外经济战略的转变

    The Changing of Japan 's Foreign Economic Police under the Economic Globalization

  5. 中日本科课程的比较研究与课程理论探索

    Comparative Research of Sino-Japanese Undergraduate Curriculum and Curriculum Theory Exploration

  6. 试论太平洋战争中日本入侵缅甸问题

    On Japan 's Invasion in Burma during the Pacific War

  7. 传说中日本是由一把剑造出来的。

    They say Japan was made by a sword .

  8. 外周和门脉血中日本血吸虫循环抗原的检测

    The Detection of Schistosome Circulating Antigen between Peripheral Blood and Portal Vein Blood

  9. 粪便中日本血吸虫卵的分布

    Distribution of Schistosoma japonicum egg in the stools

  10. 血清、尿中日本血吸虫循环抗原水平动态的实验研究

    Dynamic changes of circulating antigen of schistosomiasis japonica in serum and urine of experimental infected rabbits

  11. 40年前,来自崛起中日本的企业新贵们把西方竞争对手逼到了墙角。

    Forty years ago , upstart companies from a rising Japan pushed western competitors to the wall .

  12. 检测尿液中日本血吸虫循环抗原和特异性抗体简便、实用,为一种非损伤性的血吸虫病诊断方法。

    The detection of circulating antigen in urine is a practicable and noninvasive method for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis .

  13. 小说中日本女子与中国男子存在爱恋、婚姻和一般交往三种关系形态。

    There are three types of relationship between Japanese women and Chinese men : love , marriage , and common relations .

  14. 负的增长,无论其幅度有多小,都很难算得上是经济学家口中日本摆脱20年通缩所需的逃逸速度。

    Negative growth , however minor , is hardly the escape velocity economists say Japan needs to shake off 20 years of deflation .

  15. 最近的房地产市场的危机是在上世纪九十年代初,危机中日本、英国以及瑞士的房地产价格跌幅都超过了25%。

    The latest housing market crisis occurred 1970s , when the housing prices in Japan , England and Switzerland declined excess 25 percent .

  16. 而后其小说文本中日本意识与中国意识曾产生强烈的对抗,其后似乎又出现文化杂糅的现象。

    But later , Japanese and Chinese consciousness in his novels generated intense confrontations and still later there appeared a phenomenon of cultural hybridity .

  17. 比赛中日本队觉得裁判对他们跳马的成绩太过严苛,因此进行申诉,要求二次评分。

    But after the Japanese believed they had been marked too harshly on the pommel horse , they appealed to judges for a re-mark .

  18. 二十一世纪以来,在我国农产品出口总额中日本市场所占比重总体呈现出持续下降的趋势。

    Since the 21st century , it revealed a general trend that the total export proportion of Japanese market continued to decline in Chinese total export of agricultural products .

  19. 20世纪90年代在亚洲金融危机中日本、韩国的寿险公司破产案不胜枚举,给保险经营敲响了警钟。

    In the 90s of the 20th century , some of life insurance companies ' bankruptcy in Japan and South Korea after Asian financial crisis has given warning to life insurance operation .

  20. 从日本人形象、日本城市形象、日本自然形象、日本民族形象等四个方面对小说中日本形象的特征作了概括。

    From the four aspects such as the Japanese people image , the Japanese city image , the Japanese nature image and the Japanese nation image , the novels were outlined briefly .

  21. 在发达国家市场中日本纺织品和服装进口最主要集中在中国,这归因于地缘优势和过去的几年没有进口限额。

    Among the developed markets japan 's textiles and clothing imports are the most concentrated on China due both to geographic proximity and the absence of import quotas in the recent past .

  22. 就制度渊源而论,北洋时期的律师惩戒制度是对大陆法系中日本制度的借鉴,而有别于德国的相关制度。

    From the perspective of legal transplant , the institution of disciplinary punishment of lawyers was borrowed directly from Japan without any modification , and was different from the German system to certain extent .

  23. 虽然中国正在大力发展低碳经济,但还是缺乏相应的理论指导和经验的借鉴,因此中国需要借鉴发达国家低碳经济发展经历,而在发达国家中日本对中国的借鉴意义最大。

    Although China makes efforts to develop low-carbon economy , it is still lack of guidance of corresponding theories and experience . Therefore , China need learn the experience of developing low-carbon economy from developed countries .

  24. 通过比勘各种文献,可以证明,即使仅据日本的资料及西方人记录中日本右翼并不完全否认的资料,这一说法也是根本不能成立的。

    By comparing various kinds of documents , we can prove that this view is completely invalid , even if one only considers Japanese materials and Western ma ˉ terials which Japanese right wing does not completely deny .

  25. 在最近一项实验中,日本的研究者将30只家猫对于团队成员摇晃容器的反应进行了录像。

    In a recent experiment , Japanese researchers taped 30 domestic cats reacting to a container that a team member shook .

  26. 世界经济论坛(WEF)最新发布的《2012年全球性别差距报告》(GlobalGenderGapReport)中,日本在135个国家中排名第101。

    The nation ranks 101st out of 135 countries in the latest global gender gap report by the World Economic Forum ( WEF ) .

  27. 欧洲金融稳定基金(Europeanfinancialstabilityfacility)迄今发行的债券中,日本购买了20%左右,并表示愿意购买更多债券。

    Japan has so far purchased around 20 % of debt issued by the bailout fund , European Financial Stability Facility , and has said it is ready to buy more .

  28. 此外,他预测,日本经济将出现缓慢而持续的增长,从2010年4月开始财政年度中,日本GDP可能会增长2%左右。

    Beyond that , he forecast a slower but sustained rise , with GDP likely to expand about 2 per cent in the year from April 2010 .

  29. 据瑞银(UBS)统计,如果算入日本游客的海外购物,爱马仕和宝格丽等一些品牌的收入中,日本所占比重几乎提高了一倍。

    Include Japanese tourists shopping overseas and the figure almost doubles for some brands like Hermes and Bulgari , according to UBS .

  30. 而ChristianDior的首席执行官西德尼·托勒达诺表示,在他的7亿美元全球利润蓝图中,日本仍是重要的一环。

    Christian Dior CEO Sidney Toledano says , Japan is still an integral part of its 700 million dollar global profit picture .