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  1. 中的大人都选择忘记犯的错,犯了错误之后,你要像你的上司和涉及到得每个人承认错误,并表示你愿意承担责任。

    While many of us would prefer to forget our mistakes , initially you need to acknowledge to your supervisor and everyone involved that you 're accepting responsibility for what went wrong .

  2. 以人性假设哲学内涵为研究起点,将其融于管理理论,探讨了其发展演变趋势和行为特征,综合分析了9大学科门类中3大人性论。

    This article studies human nature from philosophical perspective , analyzes its development of the trend in the management and the behavioral theories , and researches on three types of human natures by the synthesis of analysis in nine different courses .

  3. 根据《国际时间使用研究杂志》(InternationalJournalofTimeUseResearch)公布的最新趋势数据,在九至12岁的孩童中,帮助大人做家务的孩童比例在2003年为72%,比1997年减少了9%。

    The number of 9 - to 12-year-olds who help with household tasks fell 9 % between 1997 and 2003 to 72 % , according to the latest trend data available , published in a study in the International Journal of Time Use Research .

  4. 城堡是否仍和您记忆中一致呐大人?

    Is it as you remember , My Lord ?

  5. 书中通过对大人世界生活价值观的敏锐观察而使得很多成年人都有所感触。

    Many adults have discovered this book and been inspired by its observations on the values of the adult world .

  6. 甚至一个为其新郎的“孩子气”而表示高兴的新娘,如果她丈夫不尽快成长成熟,她也会因为她是家中唯一的大人而厌倦的。

    Even a bride who professes delight with her groom 's boyishness'will tire of being the only adult in the family if her husband doesn 't grow up soon .

  7. 在这项计划中,少年和大人们共同制定规章制度。

    In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together .

  8. 像成熟恋情中的两个大人。

    Adults in a mature relationship .

  9. 说我深居塔中并身怀上将大人的孩子。大人,此等诽谤简直令人不齿。

    which are these that I am in the Tower and with child by my Lord Admiral . My Lord , these are shameful slanders .

  10. 哈利与赫敏从八卦记者丽塔写的《邓布利多的人生与谎言》中得知了校长大人临终前的一些秘密。

    Harry and Hermione clutch The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore by Rita Skeeter , which reveals the secret past of the late Hogwarts headmaster .