
  • 网络Chinese Palace;China Palace
  1. 纪念堂是一座中国宫殿形式的美丽建筑。

    The Hall is a beautiful building in the style of a Chinese palace .

  2. 本文试图通过清代宫殿建筑的文化现象研究,寻找从深层次研究中国宫殿建筑的方法。

    This thesis attempts to find a method to study Chinese Palace Architecture from the deep level through the cultural phenomenon research of the Palace Architecture of Qing Dynasty .

  3. 在他十几岁的时候,卡莱姆给18世纪后期最有名的建筑做出了可以吃的副本——古希腊废墟形状的甜饼,还有古代中国宫殿和寺庙形状的馅饼。

    In his teenage years , Car ê me fashioned eatable copies of the late 18th century 's most famous buildings — cookies in the shape of ruins of ancient Athens and pies in the shape of ancient Chinese palaces and temples .

  4. 故宫博物院成为了行政院的一个机构和一座中国宫殿式住宅。

    The Palace Museum became a cabinet agency and a Chinese palace-style home .

  5. 为了达到这样的目的,中国宫殿建筑甚至不惜部分地放弃了对建筑高大、华丽和技术精湛的追求,从而成为具有极高的适应性和普遍的推广价值的建筑体系。

    In order to reach such goals , Chinese palatial architecture even partially rejected its pursuit of grandeur , magnificence , and perfection in skill , thus it has become an architectural system with high adaptability and popularization value .

  6. 博物馆于上午9点开馆,下午4点闭馆。位于广州的孙中山纪念堂是后人为了几年孙中山先生而建的。纪念堂是一座中国宫殿形式的美丽建筑。

    The museum is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Sun Yat-sun Memorial Hall in Guangzhou was built in memory of the late Dr Sun Yat-sen. The Hall is a beautiful building in the style of a Chinese palace .

  7. 关于中国古代宫殿建筑群基址规模问题的探讨

    A Study of the Question of the Scope of Foundations for Palace Complexes in Ancient China

  8. 作为最宏伟的中国古代宫殿和古建筑群,对东亚及世界各地的文化及建筑发展产生重大影响。

    The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture , and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere .

  9. 大壮与适形的和谐&中国古代宫殿建筑的审美追求

    The Harmony Between ' Grand Sight ' and ' Proper Form ' & The aesthetic pursuit of the palace building in ancient China

  10. 大屋顶、斜坡面、深出檐、高翘角是中国古代宫殿建筑的特点,而脊吻、走兽又是屋顶装饰不可缺少的部件。

    Although big roof , incline plane , long overhang eaves and high rake angle are characteristics of Chinese ancient palatial architecture , the lips and beasts are parts sine qua non in roof decoration .

  11. 紫禁城在1420至1911年这期间,一直作为中国的皇家宫殿。

    The Forbidden City was China 's imperial palace from 1420 to 1911 .

  12. 在中国,无论宫殿、寺庙或者住宅都会有庭院围绕,庭院中一般都会有树木植物和池塘,植物一般是栽种在盆中,这样可以随着季节的变化而改变位置或者种类。

    In China , palaces , temples , and houses were built around a series of courtyards , which might include trees and plants often in pots that could be changed with the seasons , and pools .