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jìn chén
  • favorite courtiers
近臣 [jìn chén]
  • [monarchs intimate ministers] 君主所亲近的臣子

  1. 二是拉拢敌君的近臣,以削弱敌国的力量。

    Second , be close with those he loves in order to fragment his awesomeness .

  2. 另外,翰林学士与君主近臣也对五代宰相权力予以分割、削弱。

    In addition , the members of Imperial Hanlin Academy bachelor and servitors nearly emperor also weakened the prime minister 's power .

  3. 国王面露笑容,指着英姿飒爽的阿普舍龙兵团的官兵,把脸转向一位近臣,不知说了什么话。

    The Tsar turned with a smile to one of his courtiers , pointing to the gallant-looking Apsheron regiment , and said something to him .

  4. 为了犒赏有功的近臣与军官,晚期的国王授予他们私人地产的所有权,免除了他们的大地产及其仆从的赋役。

    To reward the meritorious persons attending to the royal family and military officials , the later kings granted them the ownership of their estates , and exempted their estates and the people attached to these estates from taxes and duties .