
wú chuán chéng yùn rén
  • NVOCC;non-vessel operation carrier
无船承运人[wú chuán chéng yùn rén]
  1. 无船承运人(NVOCC)制度是规范和监管无船承运业务的制度。

    Non – Vessel Operating Common Carrier ( NVOCC ) system is the regulation and supervision of non-vessel operating system .

  2. 无船承运人双重责任制度探析

    Exploration of Dual Liability System of NVOCC Double Faces Dual Images

  3. 第二,建立无船承运人资信评估机制;

    The second , establishment of the credit assessment system of NVOCC ;

  4. 无船承运人协会应当要求协会成员提供责任担保。

    NVOCC Association should demand all NVOCC to provide financial liability warranty .

  5. 无船承运人与货运代理人的识别

    The Identification of the Non-Vessel-Carrier and the Freight Forwarder

  6. 试论无船承运人的法律地位

    The Status of Non - Vessel Operating Common Carrier

  7. 无船承运人能否成为海事赔偿责任限制主体

    Whether a no-ship carrier can become the principal party in maritime compensation responsibility

  8. 无船承运人研究

    On the Research of Nov - Vessel - Operat in g Common Carrier

  9. 解析无船承运人制度

    Explain and Analyze System of Non-vessel Operation Common Carrier

  10. 关于无船承运人能否享受海事赔偿责任限制的权利。

    Whether NVOCC has the right of limitation of liability for maritime claims .

  11. 最后笔者给出了如何改进我国无船承运人保证金制度的建议。

    Finally , the author gives several suggestions to modify the margin regime .

  12. 对无船承运人管理有关问题的研究

    The Research on the Management of NVOCC

  13. 因此,明确有关无船承运人法律地位及其法律责任的规定实属必要。

    So it is necessary to confirm the legal status and legal liability of NVOCC .

  14. 在两部门的各自的《实施细则》中分别对无船承运人和国际货运代理的经营范围用列举的方法作了描述。

    Both Implementation Rules of two Ministries enumerate the business scope of international freight forwarder and NVOCC .

  15. 关于无船承运人若干问题的思考

    Thinking About Problems of NVOCC

  16. 何为无船承运人?这一概念和实际承运人相对。

    This conception is relative to the conception of the Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier ( NVOCC ) .

  17. 第二章作者将无船承运人和承运人、货运代理人、实际承运人、契约承运人等相关民事法律主体进行比较分析,并以多个表格形式进行归纳总结。

    Chapter 2 compares the NVOCC with carrier , freight forwarder , the actual carrier and the contractual carrier .

  18. 首先,分析了无船承运人与实际承运人承担连带责任的特殊性;

    Firstly , the particularity of the joint liability assumed by the actual carrier and NVOCC is pointed out ;

  19. 全文共由四章组成。第一章主要介绍有关无船承运人制度的沿革。

    The thesis consists of four chapters , namely , Chapter one focuses on the evolution of the NVOCC system .

  20. 由于以下原因无船承运人的营业执照可能被吊销:或没有保持保证金处于有效;

    NVOCC license may be revoked for : Failure to maintain a bond ; or A violation of the Shipping Act .

  21. 大量的货运代理人已转变成为无船承运人,所提供的服务越来越多样化、综合化、全球化。

    A large number of freight forwarders has been transformed into NVOCC , whose services provided more diverse , comprehensive and global .

  22. 具体讨论了无船承运人的保证金制度、无船承运人提单的签发、无船承运业务的留置权、无船承运人的是否能享受责任限制及仲裁等共9个问题。

    And this dissertation also studies whether NVOCC can enjoy the limitation of liability and the arbitration article Totally , about 9 problems .

  23. 无船承运人是从国际贸易中分离出来的专门为托运人提供国际海洋运输的服务供应商。

    An NVOCC ( non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier ) who separated from international trade is an international ocean transportation service provider for the shippers .

  24. 本部分的目的是确定无船承运人的法律地位&限制性的承运人。

    The aim of this part is to help the readers understand that NOVCC is a kind of carriers whose rights is limited .

  25. 美国航运法规定的运价管理制度、无船承运人制度、受控承运人制度等具有特色。

    The Shipping Act also has some unique legal mechanisms such as tariff filing , non-vessel-operating common carrier ( NVOCC ), and controlled carrier .

  26. 未获得无船承运人资格订立的运输合同是否有效

    On the effectiveness of the contracts of carriage of goods by sea of which the forwarding agent does not have the qualification of NVOCC

  27. 其次,从法律规定和立法意图两个方面讨论了无船承运人能否享有海事赔偿责任限制权利的问题;

    Then , the writer discusses whether the NVOCC is entitled to the limitation of liability through the analysis of relevant laws and legislative intention ;

  28. 交通运输部正在收到上述质料后,对该无船承运人包管金退回恳求事项进行雄示,雄示期为30天。

    After receiving the above materials , the MOC will make the NVOCC margin refund application in publicity , the public comment period is30 days .

  29. 无船承运人进一步保证,就其未能如此载入本提单而引起的一切后果给予承运人、其受雇人、代理人及分立契约人以赔偿。

    The NVOCC further warrants to indemnify the Carrier , its servants , agents and Sub-contractors against all consequences of his failure to do so .

  30. 无船承运人是国际货运代理人发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The NVOC ( Non-vessel-operating Carrier ) or NVOCC ( Non-vessel-operating Common Carrier ) is an outcome when international freight forwarder develops into a certain stage .