
  • 网络Ctl;coal to liquid
  1. 中科合成油在贵州也规划了煤制油项目,目前已经完成了预可研。

    Synfuels China also planned a huge CTL plant in Guizhou Province and prepared a pre-feasibility study on the project .

  2. 考虑到未来能源短缺的长期趋势和我国对进口石油的依赖,自主知识产权煤制油技术对保障我国能源安全将起到重要作用。

    In account of the long term trend of energy shortage in future and the dependence of China on oil import , self-developed CTL process will play a significant role in the China energy sector .

  3. 煤制油油灰渣在CFB锅炉燃烧试验研究

    Test Study of Coal-oil Ash Slag Combustion in CFB Boiler

  4. 该集团正在大力投资煤制油(otc)和煤化工(coal-to-chemicals)项目,但陈必亭承认,在煤炭储量丰富的北方省份,缺水问题有可能限制这些项目的发展。

    It is also investing heavily in coal-to - liquids and coal-to-chemicals projects but Mr Chen conceded tight water supplies in the north , where coal is abundant , could constrain these projects .

  5. 煤制油产业技术现状及发展要素条件分析

    Analysis on Technical Situation and Development Conditions of Coal Liquefaction Industry

  6. 煤制油&煤化工业的绿色技术

    Petroleum Made of Coal ── The Green Technology Coal Chemical Industry

  7. 煤制油工艺技术分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on Technology of Oil Making from Coal

  8. 理性思考中国煤制油热潮

    Discussion on upsurge of coal conversion to oil in China

  9. 我国煤制油发展现状趋势及建议

    China 's Current Development Trends in GTL and the Proposals

  10. 煤制油与煤气化制甲醇技术的比较与选择

    Comparison between Coal Liquefaction and Coal-to-methanol Technologies and Selection

  11. 自2003年油价持续走高以来,煤制油作为接替资源受到普遍关注。

    Since the2003 oil price remained rising , GTL has caught wide attention .

  12. 立足自主核心技术建设百万吨级间接液化煤制油装置的可行性

    Feasibility of Constructing Megaton-scale Indirect Coal to Liquid Fuels Plants Using Proprietary F-T Synthesis Technology

  13. 内蒙古煤制油项目的引进及其相关问题研究

    A Study on the Introduction of Coal-to-Oil Project and Its Relative Problems in Inner Mongolia

  14. 高频红外法测定煤制油催化剂中的碳含量

    Determination of carbon content in catalyst of coal liquifaction by method of HF - IR

  15. 微波消解-ICP-AES测定煤制油催化剂中的杂质钠

    Determination of Impurity of Sodium in Catalyst of Coal Liquifaction by ICP-AES with Microwave Digestion

  16. 开放式创新推动自主创新的路径&基于煤制油技术创新的案例研究

    On Paths from Open to Indigenous Innovation & A Case Study of Coal Liquefaction Technological Innovation

  17. 煤制油技术主要有煤炭直接液化和煤炭间接液化两类。

    Usually , there are two technical routes : direct coal liquefaction and indirect coal liquefaction .

  18. 目前,对煤制油的技术已经开发成熟,有大规模的生产企业,生物质制油则还在实验室或小型气化炉中进行。

    While , producing oil by biomass is only conducted in laboratory and small size gasification furnace .

  19. 论证了煤制油项目实施的现实性和良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    The feasibility and the good economy and social benefits of the coal-to-oil project have been proved .

  20. 煤制油技术到2010-2020年会进入产业化快速发展期,未来几十年会有良好的市场前景。

    And coal-to-liquids development will be rapidly industrialized between 2010 and 2020 with broad prospects for decades to come .

  21. 与煤制油相比,甲醇和二甲醚具有明显的技术和经济优势。

    Compared with oil produced by coal , methanol and DME have the obvious advantage in technology and economic .

  22. 开发天然气及煤制油、甲醇制乙烯、丙烯技术;

    Commercialize new technologies which can realize gas to liquid , coal to liquid , methanol to ethylene and propylene ;

  23. 交易还包括建设发电厂、铁路和煤制油等设施的协议。

    Agreements to build facilities like a power plant , railway , and coal-to-liquids facility are part of the deal .

  24. 这些基地将包括大型煤矿、通过特高压输电线路和沿海城市相连的发电厂、大型煤制油工厂以及混凝土厂和化工厂等配套设施。

    huge plants to convert coal to liquid fuel , and related facilities such as concrete plants and chemical plants .

  25. 神华集团煤制油项目供水、污水回用经济、技术分析

    Economic and technological analysis on the recycling of water supply and polluted water of Sheng Hua Oil and coal transformation production project

  26. 煤制油是以煤炭为原料生产液体燃料和化工原料的煤化工技术的简称。

    The Coal liquefaction is the abbreviation of the coal chemical technology to produce industrial chemicals and liquid fuel with coal for raw material .

  27. 分析了煤制油产业的来自国际原油价格和国内煤炭价格变化两个方面的市场风险。

    It analyzes that the marketing risks of coal gasification industry is due to fluctuation of international crude oil price and domestic coal price .

  28. 煤制油加氢预精制反应器封头与简体连接区参数优化分析

    The optimizing analysis of the parameters of joint structure between the spherical head and the tube of the coal-to-liquids heavy duty hydrogenation refined pre-reactor

  29. 实际上,此举可能大幅度提高中国的碳排放量,原因是燃煤数量的增多以及碳密集型生产工艺将得到更普遍的使用,特别是煤制油。

    in fact , it could drastically increase them , as more coal gets burned and more carbon-intensive processes - particularly coal-to-liquids conversion - are expanded .

  30. 三是组织好煤制油技术开发,尽快掌握建设大型煤制油装置的技术及装备制造能力。

    Third , to push coal-to-liquids ( CTL ) technology development so as to master the technology to build large-scale CTL units as well as equipment manufacture capability .