
méi qì lú
  • gas stove;gas furnace;gas oven
煤气炉[méi qì lú]
  1. 一锅土豆在煤气炉上欢快地煮着。

    A pan of potatoes was boiling away merrily on the gas stove .

  2. 她将水壶放在煤气炉上。

    She put the kettle on the gas stove .

  3. 将煤气炉开至4挡。

    Set the oven at gas mark 4 .

  4. 这是煤气炉的点火装置。

    This device lights gas-stoves .

  5. 他用煤气炉做饭。

    He cooks his meal with a gas stove .

  6. CO2作为固定层煤气炉气化剂的应用

    Application of CO_2 As a Gasification Agent in Fixed Bed Coal Gasifier

  7. 这个煤气炉发出很大的热。煤燃烧和热解过程中As和Se的挥发实验

    This gas-fire gives out a good heat Experimental study of As and Se ′ s vaporization during coal combustion and pyrolysis

  8. JH型煤气炉的开发与试用

    Development and Probation of JH - Type Coal Gas Furnace

  9. Φ16m水煤气炉系统置换与制气指标控制

    Replacement and Index Controlling of the Φ 1.6 m Water Gas Generator System

  10. 该方法巳成功地应用于Box-Jenkins煤气炉的数据系统建模。

    The proposed method is successfully used to build Box-Jenkins 's model of gas furnace .

  11. 本文给出了时序逻辑语言XYZ/E的相关介绍,并利用XYZ/E的子语言XYZ/RBE与XYZ图描述了煤气炉实时控制问题。

    This paper introduces the temporal logic language XYZ / E , and then describes the gasbumer control problem in XYZ / RBE and XYZ diagram .

  12. Φ3.6m水煤气炉系统技术改造

    Technical Renovation for Φ 3600mm Water Gas Furnace System

  13. 煤气炉改用CHⅡ炉底,并将炉篦、炉膛、炉芯管、炉裙及吹风管线进行改造,取得较好的效益。

    CH ⅱ furnace hearth is used for coal gas furnace . Grate , chamber of furnace , core tubes , skirt and blowing pipelines are modified . Good benefit has been obtained .

  14. SAVIDGE:多亏了火苗和煤气炉,里面比较暖和。

    SAVIDGE : Thanks to roaring fires and gas heaters it 's warm .

  15. 对UGI煤气炉炉条机传动系统由三级齿轮传动改为行星摆线针轮减速传动,获得了较好的节能降耗、降低生产费用的效果;

    For the charging machine in UGI gas producer , replacing three-stage gear drive by eouctckiudal reduction gear unit , which could obtain good results of energy conservation and cost reduction .

  16. CO2气体保护焊封底技术在2.26m二段式煤气炉上的应用采用MILSTD883C热循环疲劳加载标准,通过电学检测方法测定了B型和D型两种倒装焊封装焊点寿命。

    APPLICATION OF CO_2 ARC WELDING TO SEAL ROOT PASS OF A φ 2.26m COAL GAS GENERATOR Following thermal cycling loading standard , MIL STD 883C , the life of two types of test chips ( type B and D ) are determined with electrical measure .

  17. 介绍在老水煤气炉上使用HB-50液压系统的优点,如:提高了自动化程度、运行可靠性及安全性、煤气产量和节电等等。

    The HB-50 hydraulic control system improves automation level , operation reliability and safety of the water gas generators , increases gas production , etc. , while reducing power consumption .

  18. 煤气炉自产蒸汽汽水混合物的利用

    Utilization of Steam and Vapor - Water Mixture Generated from Gasifier

  19. 水煤气炉空气总管爆炸原因分析

    Analysis of Explosion Reason of Air Pipe for Water Gas Gasifier

  20. 她用煤气炉给丈夫做了一顿饭。

    She cooked meal for her husband with a gas stove .

  21. 流化床水煤气炉生产过程的模拟与分析

    Modeling and Analysis for Production Process of Fluidized-bed Water Gas Gasifier

  22. 关于φ3米煤气炉采用热管技术回收热能的设想

    Heat Recovery with Heat Pipe Technology in φ 3m Gas Generator

  23. 这个城市里普遍使用煤气炉。

    Gas stoves are now in common use in this city .

  24. 水煤气炉优化循环操作时间的确定

    Determination of Optimal Cyclic Operation Time for Water Gas Gasifier

  25. 煤气炉系统阻力对气化强度的影响

    Affection of System Resistance of Fixed-bed Gasifier to Gasification Strength

  26. 煤气炉下行管线改造总结及设想

    Summary of Up-feed Pipeline Modification for Gas Furnace and Suggestions

  27. 对煤气炉气化层温度控制的再认识

    Discussion on the Temperature Control of Gasification for Gas Furnace

  28. 要重视两段煤气炉在冶金企业的推广应用

    Devoting much attention extending use of two-stage gas producer in metallurgical enterprises

  29. 策略;图案他发明了一种自动点煤气炉的装置。

    device He invented a device for automatically lighting a gas stove .

  30. 水煤气炉鼓风机的变频调速

    Analysis of Frequency Conversion Adjusting Speed of Blower for Water Gas Generator