
chōnɡ qì zhànɡ penɡ
  • Inflatable tent;air dome
  1. 目前,我军已经研制出了低压气肋式充气帐篷,高压气肋式充气帐篷正在研制之中。

    At present , our military has developed a low-pressure gas rib inflatable tents , high-pressure gas rib inflatable tents under development .

  2. 瑞典,法国,美国,英国等在军队上已经配备了气肋式充气帐篷。

    Sweden , France , the United States , the United Kingdom in the military has been equipped with gas-ribbed inflatable tents .

  3. 适用于医疗按摩床气管,充气床垫,救生衣,充气帐篷等产品。

    Medical massage for the trachea , inflatable mats , life jackets , inflatable tents and other products .