
  1. 冶金重点用能单位节能监测分析

    Analysis on Energy Saving Supervision for Metallurgical Key Energy Use Enterprises

  2. 对企业节能监测自检工作的几点意见

    Some pieces of advice on self-checking of energy-saving monitor in Enterprise

  3. GB/T16667-1996电焊设备节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electrical welding installation

  4. GB/T15914-1995蒸汽加热设备节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of steam heating equipments

  5. GB/T15319-1994火焰加热炉节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of flame heating furnace

  6. GB/T15911-1995工业电热设备节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electroheat device in industry

  7. 建立冶金节能监测工作体系,积极开展节能监测活动

    Build metallurgical energy-saving monitoring work system , launch positively energy-saving monitoring activities

  8. 冶金部召开冶金节能监测工作经验交流会

    Experience exchange meeting of metallurgical energy-saving monitoring held by MMI

  9. GB/T16666-1996泵机组液体输送系统节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of motor-pump liquid transport system

  10. GB/T15317-1994工业锅炉节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of industrial boilers

  11. 节能监测工作是节能工作的一项战略任务

    Energy-saving monitoring is a strategic task in energy-saving work

  12. GB/T15910-1995热力输送系统节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of heat transmission and distribution system

  13. 工业锅炉节能监测分析

    Monitoring Analysis for Energy Saving on Industrial Boilers

  14. 工业锅炉节能监测内容及方法的探讨

    Probe on the contents and methods of the energy saving monitoring of industrial boilers

  15. 冶金热工测试与节能监测是既有关联又有区别的两项工作。

    Metallurgical thermo-technical measurement and energy-saving monitoring are both connected and different two tasks .

  16. 节能监测与企业能源利用真实状况评估

    Energy Conservation Monitoring and Enterprise Energy Utilization Credibility

  17. GB/T15913-1995风机机组与管网系统节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of fan unit and distribution tube system

  18. 工业水泵节能监测分析和仪器的运用

    Monitoring and Testing Analyze for Energy Saving of Industrial Water Pump and Usage of Instrument

  19. 热力输送系统节能监测与保温材料的优化选择

    Energy economy monitoring of heat transmission and distribution system and optimum choosing of thermal insulation material

  20. 浅谈学校图书馆的自动化建设冶金部召开冶金节能监测工作经验交流会


  21. GB/T15912-1995活塞式单级制冷机组及其供冷系统节能监测方法

    Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of single & stage reciprocating refrigerating unit and its refrigeration system

  22. 介绍轮窑节能监测的意义、监测的项目和具体方法;

    This article explains the aims of annular-kiln energy-economy monitor , items of monitor and its concrete methods .

  23. 关于矿热炉电气设备节电问题的探讨GB/T15911-1995工业电热设备节能监测方法

    DISCUSSION OF POWER-SAVING ON ELECTRIC FACILITIES IN SUBMERGED ARC FURNACE Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electroheat device in industry

  24. 着重分析部分设备的节能监测数据,为节能测算提供部分数据支撑。

    The paper mainly analyzed the energy-saving monitoring data of some equipment in order to provide some data support for energy conservation measure .

  25. 线路输送能力最大时的列车运行速度和牵引总重的分析GB/T15910-1995热力输送系统节能监测方法

    Train Speed and Traction Load at the Maximum Traffic Volume Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of heat transmission and distribution system

  26. 对油田在用加热炉进行节能监测,是石油企业提高设备能源利用率的一项基础工作。

    Energy-saving monitoring of oil field heating furnace is one of the basic work which can improve the equipment energy efficiency in petroleum enterprises .

  27. 因此,加热炉能效限定值的确定和使用过程中节能监测综合评价方法的合理选择,对于规范加热炉生产行业和提高加热炉的节能运行管理水平均具有重要意义。

    Therefore , determining limited value and selecting method of energy-saving monitoring reasonably are of important significance for the standardized trades management and energy-saving operation management .

  28. 从节能监测的意义、基本情况、管理工作、监测效果等方面论述了节能监测工作重要性及作用。

    The importance and the action of energy saving supervision are discussed from the aspects of meaning , basic circumstances , management working and effect of energy saving supervision .

  29. 大庆油田以质量为中心,抓好标准化、计量、质量监督、节能监测工作,在实际工作中,推出了5条新的举措。

    Daqing oilfield makes great efforts to standardization , measurement , quality supervision and energy-saving monitoring around the quality . Now five new measures in this oilfield are put out .

  30. 介绍了耐火材料隧道窑节能监测的意义、项目和要点,以及由一些厂家生产实践归纳出的节能途径。

    This paper introduces the significance , items and main points of energy saving monitoring of refractory tunnel kiln and energy saving way sumed up from production practice in some plants .