
  • 网络Meistersinger;die meistersinger;mastersinger
  1. 报章报道把他的名字与那名歌手连在一起。

    Newspapers have linked his name with the singer .

  2. 这名歌手已否认那家杂志有关她要离开乐队的说法。

    The singer has denied the magazine 's claim that she is leaving the band .

  3. 对那名歌手死因的审理昨天开始进行。

    The inquest into the singer 's death began yesterday .

  4. Emily一直都是名歌手,永远都是。

    Emily has just always been a singer .

  5. 通过这种方法,EchoNest已经收集了200多万名歌手的3400多万首歌曲的数据。

    The echo nest has gathered data in this way for 34 million tracks by more than 2 million artists .

  6. 这名歌手将在新剧《StyledtoRock》中担任独立制作人,歌手。

    The singer will act as executive producer and star in the new series , " Styled to Rock , " for the Style network .

  7. 他的同学LindsaySutherlandBoal是来自加拿大温哥华的一名歌手。

    His classmate , Lindsay Sutherland Boal , is a singer from Vancouver , Canada .

  8. 业内观察人士预计另一名歌手FKATwigs会获奖。

    Industry watchers have been betting another musician , the much Hide singer , FKA Twigs .

  9. TVB的日常运营交由现年74岁的方逸华负责。方逸华以前是一名歌手,她是邵逸夫的第二任妻子。

    Daily operation of TVB is left to 74-year-old Mona Fong , a former singer and Sir Run Run 's second wife .

  10. 据一张即将出版的《GQ》杂志泄露版封面照片显示,这名歌手穿着一件极其省布料的polo衫——几乎再无其他,除此之外只有豹纹内裤和一点金色首饰。

    A leaked photo of an upcoming issue of GQ shows the singer clad in a very tiny polo shirt - and little else , save for leopard-print underwear and some gold jewelry .

  11. 据一张即将出版的《GQ》杂志泄露版封面照片显示,这名歌手穿着一件极其省布料的polo衫&几乎再无其他,除此之外只有豹纹内裤和一点金色首饰。

    A leaked photo of an upcoming issue of GQ shows the singer clad in a very tiny polo shirt & and little else , save for leopard-print underwear and some gold jewelry .

  12. 新纪录片《格伦·坎贝尔:我就是我》(GlenCampbell:I’llBeMe)记录了阿尔茨海默氏症最近对这名歌手造成的影响,他在20世纪70年代演唱了金曲《莱茵斯顿牛仔》(RhinestoneCowboy)。

    A new documentary , " Glen Campbell : I 'll Be Me , " chronicles its recent impact on the singer who made " Rhinestone Cowboy " a megahit in the 1970s .

  13. 26岁的戴娜·布鲁姆(DaynaBloom)是纽约的一名歌手和词曲作者。她说,跟着泽斯勒学习让她不仅能自卫,而且更有魅力。

    And Dayna Bloom , 26 , a singer and songwriter in New York , said that studying with Ms. Zeisler has given her extra oomph in areas besides self-defense .

  14. 前不久,橘子焦糖的RAINA在接受访问时表示是SE7EN鼓励她成为一名歌手的。

    Not too long ago , Orange Caramel 's Raina revealed in an interview that Se7en inspired her to become a singer .

  15. 在一位澳大利亚朋友的朋友的推荐下,他听了一遍Lorde的细碟《TheLoveClub》,随后便在Facebook上四处搜寻这名歌手,并飞到新西兰观看她的演出,还和她的父母见了面。

    After one listen to Lorde 's EP ' The Love Club , ' which had been recommended by a friend of a friend in Australia , he hunted down the artist on Facebook and flew to New Zealand to see her perform and meet her parents .

  16. 但是Piyah每晚都会在自己的房间里练习唱歌,并梦想着能成为一名歌手。

    But the young teen would retreat to her bedroom each evening to practise her songs and work on her dreams of becoming a singer .

  17. 美国“名嘴”西蒙·考埃尔在主持《美国偶像》真人秀节目中评价一名歌手表现“平淡(insipid)”,之后,韦氏网站上这个词的查询率迅速上升。

    After Simon Cowell , the acid-tongued host of the television show " American Idol ," called one singer " insipid ," Merriam-Webster noticed a dramatic spike in the number of lookups for the word .

  18. 美国歌曲作家IrvingBerlin在他的歌“白色圣诞”中找到了这种感觉。数百名歌手和音乐家都录制过“白色圣诞”这首歌。但是最流行的还是BingCrosby演唱的版本。

    American songwriter Irving Berlin captured these feelings in his song , " White Christmas . " Hundreds of singers and musicians have recorded " White Christmas . " But the version most people still know best was sung by Bing Crosby .

  19. 洛林·瓦伦科夫·马泽尔于1930年3月6日出生在巴黎郊区的塞纳河畔讷伊,父母都是在那里学习音乐的美国学生,其中父亲林肯·马泽尔(LincolnMaazel)是一名歌手,母亲玛丽·瓦伦科夫·马泽尔(MarieVarencoveMaazel)是一名钢琴家。

    Lorin Varencove Maazel was born in the Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine on March 6 , 1930 , to a pair of American music students - Lincoln Maazel , a singer , and Marie Varencove Maazel , a pianist - who were studying there .

  20. 我确信这名歌手有一天会走红。

    I 'm sure this singer will be famous one day .

  21. 他们是首批到达伦敦的五名歌手。

    They are the first five singers that arrived in London .

  22. 那名歌手由她的丈夫以钢琴伴奏。

    The singer was accompanied on the piano by her husband .

  23. 玛丽安梦想成为音乐家,做一名歌手。

    Marian had dreams of becoming a musician , a folksinger .

  24. 她的事业始于在一个流行乐队里当一名歌手。

    She began her career by singing in a pop group .

  25. 他认为自己将来会成为一名歌手。

    He thinks he will become a singer in the future .

  26. 凯特琳原本就没有邀这名歌手同行,完全是他自作主张。

    Catelyn had never asked the singer to ride with them ;

  27. 作为一名歌手,她的音域非常宽广。

    As a singer , she has an extraordinary range .

  28. 这是我的母亲。它是一名歌手。

    This is my mother . She 's a singer .

  29. 她不但是一个钢琴家,而且也是一名歌手。

    She is not only a pianist , but also a singer .

  30. 这名歌手下个月将发行新专辑。

    The singer will release a new album next month .