
  • 网络Reputation infringement;Defamation
  1. 新闻媒体避免名誉侵权应注意的几个问题

    Ways of Avoiding the Defamation of News Media

  2. 对新闻名誉侵权的主体、内容、行为、抗辩等方面进行认定和分析。

    Identify and analyze subjects , contents , activities and defense in defamation by news .

  3. SPEAKING理论提供了一系列影响言语事件的潜在因素,较好地解决了名誉侵权案件中的分析框架问题。

    By specifying a set of parameters potential to affect speech , SPEAKING provides us with a framework for language analysis .

  4. 试论网络名誉侵权的民事责任

    On the Civil Responsibility of the Network Reputation Right Infringement

  5. 关于网络名誉侵权的几个问题网络名誉侵权的特征及民事责任

    The Characteristics of Internet Reputation Infringement and its Civil Responsibilities

  6. 名誉侵权的实际恶意原则评析

    Comments on the Principle Actual Malice of Reputation Infringement

  7. 语言修辞与新闻名誉侵权的界限

    Language Rhetoric and Press Reputation Tort

  8. 一句话引发名誉侵权案

    A Case of Reputation Infringement

  9. 网络名誉侵权的几个问题

    Some Issues on Network Defamation

  10. 因特网中名誉侵权问题初探

    Reputation Infringement in the Internet

  11. 论名誉侵权的特殊抗辩事由

    On Special Defenses of Defamation

  12. 肖传国立刻起诉方舟子名誉侵权。结果,法院认为方舟子没有提供足够的证据支持他的指控。

    Xiao immediately sued for libel , and the court subsequently ruled that Fang had no evidence for his claims .

  13. 法人对法人的名誉侵权与个人对法人的名誉侵权不同,不存在责任免除问题。

    Corporate reputation for corporate and individual violations of corporate defamation different , there is no exclusion of liability issues .

  14. 中国一位最主要的科学不端行为的批评者方是民最近输掉了一起名誉侵权官司,起诉他的是一位被他批评行为不端的科学家。

    China 's main critic of scientific misconduct has been found guilty of libelling a scientist he accused of academic wrongdoing .

  15. 关于网络名誉侵权行为,对侵权行为形态、侵权行为的判断标准、侵权方式进行了讨论。

    In the second chapter , we discuss the form , the criterion for judging and the way of an infringement act .

  16. 我国民事诉权理论存在问题及对策分析&由郑传本名誉侵权案引出的法律思考刑事侦查活动中对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权的保护

    Problems and Countermeasures Concerning the Theory of Right of Action in Civil Cases Protection of the Right of Privacy in Investigative Procedure

  17. 对新闻名誉侵权的构成要件作了分析,指出新闻名誉侵权除了应具备民事侵权的一般要件外,还应包括构成侵权的作品有特定的指向。

    Analyze constitutive elements of defamation by news , pointing out the constitutive elements should include specific reference besides other common elements in infringements .

  18. 法院应该通过对侵权事故防范责任的履行程度,划分名誉侵权中的责任大小。

    Infringement by the Court of accident prevention should be the responsibility of the performance level of the responsibility by the size of defamation .

  19. 与传统的名誉侵权相比,网络名誉侵权在本质上并无不同,只是在侵权方式、责任主体等方面存在一定的差异。

    Comparing with traditional reputation infringement , there are no essence differences . The only differences lay in the way of infringement and responsibility factors .

  20. 现行法律对此未纳入司法程序予以救济,劳动者以名誉侵权为由要求用人单位赔偿损失被证明难以成为一个可靠的救济方式。

    Because of lacking remedy procedure in present law and it is proved ineffective only by asking employment units compensation in the name of reputation tort .

  21. 官员以身作则,提倡节俭;舆论监督与名誉侵权问题浅析&兼论对党政官员舆论批评的责任定位

    Setting an example to encourage frugality ; on supervision by public opinion and reputation tort duty orientation for criticism on Party and Political officials by public opinion

  22. 我们在运用法律规范矫正网络名誉侵权行为的同时,要倡导道德自律机制促进良性网络环境的形成。

    Legal norms in the use of our network of honorary violations corrected , we must promote moral self-discipline mechanism to promote the formation of healthy network environment .

  23. 网络名誉侵权应承担何种责任,司法管辖地如何确定,造成损害赔偿如何计算,已成为网络名誉侵权的重要问题。

    Issues on what kind of responsibility should be born by network defamation , how to define the jurisdictional area and calculate compensation of damage have become more important .

  24. 而由于网络的这些特点,也使得网络名誉侵权伴随着网络发展成为一个突出的问题,引起法学界的广泛关注。

    Because of these characteristics , legal tort about net fame has become a conspicuous problem with the development of network , it also arises general concern in law .

  25. 我国立法上将新闻媒体侵犯商誉权的行为法定为名誉侵权,这不利于新闻媒体舆论监督权的行使和商事主体商誉权的保护;

    In China , the torts of news media 's hurt of the right of good will is treated as reputation tort , which is not in favor of each side .

  26. 法官在法律规定不完善的情况下,极大地发挥了个人的创造性,对网络名誉侵权问题提出了一些新的认识,但也引发了很大的争议。

    The judge in the case of the law is imperfect , greatly played a personal creativity , some new understanding of network defamation , but also led to considerable controversy .

  27. 处理两者关系的有效途径就是正确界定新闻名誉侵权的构成要件和抗辩理由,在保护宪法规定的人格尊严不受侵犯的前提下,为新闻媒体提供更大的自由空间。

    The effective way to deal with the relationship between them is to ascertain what makes up and counterplea causes of news reputation infringement and provide more freedom space for news media .

  28. 认定是否构成新闻名誉侵权,应当以新闻名誉侵权的四个构成要件为标准进行衡量,这四个构成要件包括:新闻侵权行为、损害事实、因果关系和主观过错。

    Whether making up news reputation infringement . Should be measured by four factors including : the action of news infringement , damage facts relationship between cause and result and subjective fault .

  29. 近几年来,由于网络技术发展的不确定性与国际、内立法的滞后,网络名誉侵权成为一个日渐突出的问题。

    In the last few years , because of the uncertainty of the network technique 's development and legislative sluggishness at home and abroad , Internet reputation infringement is becoming gradually outstanding problem .

  30. 在个人对法人的名誉侵权诉讼中,法院应该适当免除个人的责任,以促使强势地位的法人更好地履行其生产者职责。

    The reputation of the individual legal infringement proceedings , the court should be properly exempt from personal responsibility to promote a strong position in the corporate producers to better fulfill its responsibilities .