
míng yī
  • famous doctor
名医 [míng yī]
  • [famous doctor] 出名的医生

  • 当代名医

名医[míng yī]
  1. 她去看了许多名医,但没有人能治好她的眼睛。

    She went to see lots of famous doctors , but nobody was able to cure her eyes .

  2. 将士们见关羽箭伤逐渐加重,便派人四处打听名医。

    Seeing Guan 's wound getting worse day by day , they sent out scouts to look for famous doctors .

  3. 柳宗元患病,请来一位名医诊治。

    Liu Zongyuan was ill . He called a famous doctor for diagnosis1 and treatment .

  4. 名医扁鹊见到蔡桓公后,告诉桓公他的疾病已入侵皮肤,要赶快治疗。

    A famous doctor , Bian Que , after seeing Duke Huan of the state of Cai , told him that his illness had intruded1 into his skin and he needed to be treated immediately .

  5. 魏文王问名医扁鹊说:“你们家兄弟三人,都精于医术,到底哪一位最好呢?”

    Bianque was a famous physician in ancient China . One day the King of Wei asked him , " You and your two brothers are all skilled in medicine , which of you is the best ? "

  6. 在《临床传染病》(ClinicalInfectiousDiseases)期刊上最近登载的一篇研究报告中,澳大利亚的研究人员把20名医护人员的手浸在人类H1N1流感病毒中。

    In a recent study in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases , researchers in Australia doused the hands of20 health-care workers with human H1N1 flu virus .

  7. 方法采用个人评价问卷(PEI)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对450名医学生进行调查。

    Methods 450 students of medical college were investigation by PEI and EPQ . evaluate ;

  8. 方法采用自编的《医学生实习前焦虑状况影响因素问卷》和焦虑自评量表(SAS)对580名医学生进行问卷调查。

    Methods The questionnaire of the medical students ' anxiety before clinical practice complied and SAS were investigated among 580 medical students .

  9. [方法]应用工作能力指数(WorkAbilityIndex,WAI)法对342名医师(医师组)和362名非卫生部门脑力劳动者(对照组)进行测试和分析。

    [ Methods ] Totally 342 doctors ( group doctor ) and 362 mental workers from non-medical branch ( group control ) were tested and analyzed by using work ability index ( WAI ) .

  10. ARTISVentures参与PracticeFusion公司的三轮融资,也正是基于这样的理念。PracticeFusion公司通过云技术,为超过112000名医护专业人员管理电子病历。

    That philosophy is behind ARTIS Ventures ' three rounds of financing for Practice Fusion , which manages electronic health records in the cloud for more than 112,000 healthcare professionals .

  11. 34岁的贝克汉姆在上周日AC米兰以1比0战胜切沃的比赛中跟腱受伤,之后在第一时间飞往芬兰求助一位世界顶级名医。

    The 34-year-old suffered the injury in AC Milan 's 1-0 win over Chievo on Sunday and flew to Finland for an operation performed by one of the world 's top specialists .

  12. 方法用整群抽样的方法抽取515名医学院大学生,使用自制一般情况调查表、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行测试与评定。

    Methods 515 medical undergraduates were drawn with cluster sampling , and assessed with SCL-90 , EPQ , self-made general questionnaire .

  13. 方法对某医科大学护理、临床医学、口腔医学专业的409名医学生进行了问卷调查(包括SDS、SAS自测表和相关生活事件表),并进行统计分析。

    Methods Analyze the data ( SDS , SAS and record of life events ) of 409 students in Anhui Medical University including nursing department , medical department and stomatology department .

  14. 在利比里亚蒙罗维亚约120英里外的邦县,有一个70张床位的埃博拉治疗中心,国际医疗队(InternationalMedicalCorps)已经有大约200名医护人员在那里工作。该组织正在在塞拉利昂施工,准备开设一个50张床位的治疗中心。

    The International Medical Corps already has some 200 medical employees working in a 70-bed Ebola treatment center in Bong County , about 120 miles outside Monrovia , Liberia , and is working to construct and open a 50-bed center in Sierra Leone .

  15. 方法:采用自我概念测验表(SCT)与心理症状自评量表(SCL-90)对458名医学本科生进行测试。

    Methods : The self - concept form ( SCT ) was adopted to test that of 458 medical undergraduates and the form ( SCL-90 ) of the commenting amount with the psychological symptom .

  16. 方法采用匹兹堡睡眠指数(PSQI)、青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)和应付方式问卷对409名医学生进行调查。

    Methods 409 students were investigated with Adolescents Self-Rating Life Event Check List ( ASLEC ), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PSQI ) and Copy Style Questionnaire .

  17. 方法:以流行病调查中心抑郁自评量表(CES-D)、自我接纳问卷(SAQ)及向性测验问卷为调查工具对1100名医学生进行问卷调查。

    Method : Using epidemic disease investigation center 's CES-D , SAQ and tropism testing questionnaire as survey tools , we have carried out a questionnaire investigation among 1100 medical students .

  18. 该研究的一个优势就是参与者的选择,Salamanca大学的361名医学生,他们充分理解偏头痛的含义。

    One advantage of this study is that the sample used , 361 medicine students from the University of Salamanca , were fully aware what a migraine was .

  19. 方法:对潍坊市33所医院的9168名医护人员针刺伤情况进行流行病学调查,建立Fox-base数据库,所得资料和数据运用686-PC机和SPLM软件包进行分析。

    Methods : Epidemiological survey on 9168 medical personnel with needle-injury in 33 hospitals of Weifang City . Fox-base was applied , and all the data were processed with SPLM software analysis .

  20. 1037名医学生蠕形螨感染情况调查

    The study on vermiform mite infection among 1037 medical college students

  21. 这家合伙企业的护城河将会随着名医的离去而消失。

    The partnership 's moat will go when the surgeon goes .

  22. 历代名医治疗妊娠腹痛的用药分析

    Administration Analysis of Celebrated Doctors Treating Pregnant Abdominalgia in Each Dynasty

  23. 谁知道呢,也许希波克拉底(希腊的名医)也曾给他的孩子们用过此药。

    Who knows , maybe Hippocrates used them on his pupils .

  24. 302名医学生创造力及个性特征分析

    Creativity and personality analysis in 302 medical students using personality questionnaires

  25. 你是电视上的名医啊。

    You are a great doctor in that TV series .

  26. 但最重要的是,他是名医学天才。

    And most of all , he is an absolute medical genius .

  27. 380名医学生考试焦虑状况的调查分析

    Survey of Examination-caused Anxiety Tension Status in 380 Medical Students

  28. 结果:在1855名医学生中有1772名学生上网,上网率95.5%,174名网络成瘾者,成瘾率为9.8%。

    174 were IAD students , accounting for 9.8 % .

  29. 美国名医拉什及其医学思想

    Rush , A famous American physician and his medical idea

  30. 161名医学院男生身体素质发展追踪研究

    The Follow-up Research on the Physique Development of 161 Male Medical Students