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  1. 作为当时南方戏曲活动中心,扬州近年来已经引起了学术界的关注,但多瞩目于曲家个体研究。

    Anyway , Yangzhou , as the theatrical center in southern China then , has aroused some attention in the academic circle recently . However , in most cases individual dramatists are targeted only .

  2. 改动作曲家原有的符号是亵渎行为。

    It would be sacrilege to alter the composer 's original markings .

  3. 其中一位叫布赖恩·雅各布斯(BrianJacobs),他是一名音响设计师兼作曲家,也是克莱恩在纽约时的室友。

    There was Brian Jacobs , a sound designer and composer and Mr. Klein 's former roommate in New York City .

  4. 伊奈甚至计划邀请日本歌手兼作曲家KanaUemura为世博游客表演她的民谣卫浴之王(TheToiletGod)。

    The company even plans to fly in Japanese singer-songwriter Kana Uemura to treat Expo audiences to her ballad , The Toilet God .

  5. 论晚明越中曲家戏曲创作精神

    On the Creative Spirit of the Qu School Opera in the Late Ming Dynasty

  6. 越中曲家传奇创作在主题取向、情节、结构、语言诸方面都有著鲜明的地域特色。

    Their works have distinctive regional flavor in the aspects of subject , plot , structure and language .

  7. 努力于“不法村落乐队”的歌手兼作曲家维隆。詹宁斯在亚利桑那州的钱德勒逝世。(专有名词不太会翻译,仅供参照)

    Waylon Jennings , the singer songwriter who served that the outlaw brand of country music , dies in Chandler , Arizona .

  8. 它以高超的艺术手法,独特的美学风貌,真实地再现了遗民曲家的山河之泪。

    With superb art techniques and unique tragedy art forms , they truly reproduced Ming loyalist playwrighters ' tears of mountains and rivers .

  9. 本文研究德彪西钢琴音乐的独特个性和创新,旨在使演奏更为贴合作曲家的创作意图,更好地表现德彪西钢琴音乐的与众不同。

    The study made by the thesis in the novel personality and innovation of Debussy 's piano music aims at making playing get closer to the intention of creation of the composer and display better the unconventionality of Debussy 's piano music .

  10. 明清两代,福建地区涌现了许多曲家,据笔者目前所收集到的资料,有戏曲作家29人、戏曲理论家7人、有作品存世的散曲家7人,现存戏曲作品15部。

    In Ming and Qing Dynasties , there emerged numerous play experts in Fujian area . According to the materials collected by the author , there were altogether 29 play writers , 7 play theorists , 7 verse writers with works passed on and 15 plays in existence .

  11. 对元散曲发展分期的研究,历来是曲论家们最感兴趣的论题之一。

    To the traditional opera researchers , the study on the division of the Yuan Sanqu ( a type of verse ) development , is always one of the most interesting objects .

  12. 本色源自诗文理论而盛行于戏曲批评,在明代、尤其是明代中后期成为曲论家普遍探讨和关注的一个理论问题。

    It originated from the theory of poetry and literature , and prevailed in opera criticism . During the Ming dynasty ( 1368-1644 ), especially the middle and late period ( 1436-1644 ), it came into being a theoretical issue to which opera theorists commonly paid close attention .

  13. 根据断层走向、活动时代及活动性质的变化,可分为两段。董家坡武家曲坊段和武家曲坊太湖段,总长度约30km。

    This fault can be divided into two segments in the light of its strikes , active ages and natures .