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  1. 你还记得我吗?你帮我做过税表的?

    You remember you handled my tax fomp3s for me ?

  2. 我纳过税啊,我在支票上有看到

    I 've paid taxes . I see it on my check .

  3. 我只是从来没报过税。

    No , I 've never filed my taxes .

  4. 驾驶没有上过税和保过险的汽车是违法的。

    It is illegal to drive a car that is not taxed and insured .

  5. 没投过票,没付过税。

    I never voted or paid taxes .

  6. 搬到新土地就要再交税,他们已经为对法国的战争付过税了。

    New lands mean new taxes and they 're already taxed for the war in france .

  7. 前年也没有,之前每一年都没有等等,你从来没纳过税吗

    Or the year before or any year ever . Wait , you 've never paid your taxes ?

  8. 他显然已经将很多赚的钱重新投入了自己的基金,因此他的大部分财富都没有纳过税。

    He has apparently reinvested much of his winnings back into his fund , so he has not paid taxes on the bulk of his wealth .

  9. 之后,即便你是非法入境,你的身份也合法了,没人真正知道你是谁,你从没有缴过税,但你现在已经是合法公民,开始了你以合法身份在美国生活的历史。

    The next thing you know , you 're legit even though you never came across the border legally , nobody really knows who you are , you 've never paid taxes , but now you 're a legitimate citizen , and now you start your history .