
  1. 在分析以上主结论的同时,本文也提出了若干其他相关的变量及前提条件,比如预期收益率、社会惩罚的严格程度以及企业之间的关系等。

    Along with the main conclusion , several other factors and preconditions are drawn out , for example the expected rate of return , the strictness of punishment by society and some relationships between firms .

  2. 综合考虑了应急期间企业内部的运作成本和能力缺损可能引致的社会惩罚成本,以应急成本最小化为目标构建了多阶段的能力应急恢复和采购模型。

    The thesis considers the whole operation cost and penalty which may caused by the lack of capacity , and then constructs the multi-periods recovery and procuring model on the aim of minimizing the total cost .

  3. 原始的制止婚外性行为的因素主要有:害怕怀孕;害怕社会惩罚;还有害怕性病。

    Up until just about now , for example , the prime brakes on sex outside of marriage have been several : fear of pregnancy , fear of social stigma and punishment , and fear of disease .

  4. 这些就使得社会的惩罚体系发生着演绎。

    These make the penalty systems in society deducting .

  5. 墨西拿国际社会学、惩罚和教养研究中心

    International Centre for Sociological , Penal and Penitentiary Research and Studies at Messina

  6. 少年法庭的重心是使青少年违者回归社会而非惩罚。

    The emphasis in juvenile courts is upon rehabilitation of youthful offenders rather than punishment .

  7. 在人身上涂上焦油在覆上羽毛;在一些社会中用作惩罚的方法。

    Smear the body of ( someone ) with tar and feathers ; done in some societies as punishment .

  8. 而这个融洽点的寻求主要是协调好个体利益与社会利益、惩罚与人道、传统观念与现代理念的矛盾关系。

    And the pursuit of the harmonizing point is to coordinate the contradictory relationships between individual and public interests , punishment and humanism , traditional concepts and modern ideals .

  9. 查尔斯·泰勒被定罪让人们回忆起西非动荡混乱的十年内战。国际社会也在惩罚资助这种可怕战争的罪行上大显其手。

    Charles Taylor 's conviction is a reminder of a turbulent and violent decade in West Africa as the world flexes the legal muscle to punish those who bankrolled such monster crimes .

  10. 社会理论中的惩罚:道德过程与权力技术

    Punishment in Social Theory : Moral Process and Power Technic

  11. 这样做就是因为社会的病态而惩罚罪犯。

    What it does is punish prisoners for the ills of society .

  12. 自古以来,人类社会就有通过惩罚手段以达到维护秩序、自由和安全的目的。

    Since ancient times , the human beings have used punishment to maintain order , freedom and security .

  13. 乡土社会中的民间惩罚&以乡土社会中信用为媒介予以说明

    Folk Punishment in the Rural Society & Taking Mechanism of Creditable Punishment in the Rural Society as An Example Proves

  14. 第二部分主要谈论危险驾驶罪入刑的必要性,从社会管理需要、惩罚与教育功能相结合等问题入手,并分析其与相关罪名之间的衔接关系。

    The second part will talk about dangerous driving into the necessity of sin penalty , From the social management needs , Punishment and education function such as combination of a question , And analyzing the related charges and collaborative relationship between them .

  15. 以博弈论为基本理论依据,以诚信轴为分析工具,研究市场经济条件下企业交易行为中的信用机制与策略选择,包括完全无约束、社会成本约束及惩罚机制约束三种状态;

    Based on the game theory , using credit axis as analysis tool , the credit mechanism and strategy choice of enterprises ' transactions in market economy were studied , including the following three states : no restriction , social cost restriction and punish mechanism restriction .

  16. 本研究使人类进一步掌握现实中社会距离影响利他惩罚行为的规律,深化了利他惩罚的发生机制,为个体对利他惩罚行为进行有效调节提供依据,促进社会公平和合作。

    This Research makes the human to further master the regular pattern of social distance influence altruistic punishment behavior in reality , deepens the altruistic punishment mechanism , provides the basis for individual to effectively regulate altruistic punishment behavior , and to promote social justice and cooperation .

  17. 虽然这一制度存在很多争议,但是它在消费领域确实存在很多实用的价值,因其顺应社会的需求,惩罚、遏制了很多不法行为,符合社会大多数人的利益诉求。

    Although this system has a lot of controversy , but it is in the field of consumption has many practical value , due to its adaptability to the needs of society , punishment , contain a lot of illegal behavior , the interests of the majority of society .