
  • 网络far-right;The far right;extreme right;ultra-right
  1. 多数人,包括公认领先的前马萨诸塞州州长米特罗姆尼(mittromney),似乎都被共和党极右翼所劫持了。

    Most , including the presumed frontrunner , Mitt Romney , appear to be captive to the far right of the Republican Party .

  2. 明年大选,我们或许将看到奥朗德、前总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)——我们已经看过的两场糟糕电影——对垒极右翼的马琳勒庞(MarineLePen)——令人不堪设想的恐怖电影。

    Next year 's election may pit Hollande and former president Nicolas Sarkozy - two bad films we 've already seen - against the far right 's Marine Le Pen , a horror movie that surely won 't get made .

  3. 该事件引发了关于极右翼势力在法国所起作用的新一轮讨论。

    The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France

  4. 来自《新国际主义者》杂志的K。比斯华斯表示,极右翼团体近年来在欧洲变得更有影响力。

    K.Biswas from the New Internationalist magazine says far-right groups have become more influential in Europe in recent years . K.

  5. 投票站出口民调显示,极右翼国民阵线(nationalfront)得票率约为14%,低于该党党魁马琳勒庞(marinelepen)在总统选举中18%的得票率。

    The exit polls showed the far-right National Front winning about 14 per cent of the vote , less than the 18 per cent achieved by marine Le Pen , the party leader , in the presidential election .

  6. 不过,极右翼抗议党派(protestparties)在上周日选举中的强劲表现证明,就连这些繁荣兴旺、政府高效的典范国家,也被一种横扫整个欧洲的病毒感染了。

    Yet the strong performances of radical right protest parties in elections on Sunday show that even these models of prosperity and efficient government are infected with a virus that spreads over the entire continent .

  7. 过去,接待LGBT顾客的夜总会也遭受过多次暴力袭击,这些袭击往往来自极右翼人士。

    Clubs that cater to LGBT patrons have faced violent attacks in the past , often from the far right .

  8. 一名极右翼国民阵线(FN)议员在推特上称奥朗德为“陛下”,而其他用户则在总统的照片上叠加了黑人式爆炸头、鲻鱼头等发型,来“帮他的理发师挣薪水”。

    A lawmaker with the far-right National Front ( FN ) referred to Hollande as " his majesty " on Twitter , while other users superimposed afros , mullets and other hairstyles on pictures of the president , to " help his hairdresser earn his salary . "

  9. 预计将与极右翼的奋起日本党(SPJ)联合的石原表示,他们组成的集团在不久后将要举行的全国选举中有望推出30至40名潜在候选人。

    Mr Ishihara , who is expected to link up with the minority far-right Sunrise party , the SPJ , said the group had 30 to 40 potential candidates it could field in national elections expected to be called soon .

  10. 勒庞是极右翼候选人,她是保守派。

    Le Pen is the far right candidate , a conservative .

  11. 目前,极右翼正在卖力地自吹自擂。

    At the moment the radical right is blowing its trumpet hard .

  12. 法国极右翼政治势力的历史与现实

    The History and Reality of the French Ultra - Right Political Force

  13. 这催生了喜好国有化,厌恶市场的极右翼主义。

    This produces a far right that likes nationalisation and dislikes the market .

  14. 欧洲各地的极右翼团体齐声谴责他的袭击行动。

    Far-right groups across Europe have denounced his attacks .

  15. 他是一位极右翼人士。

    He 's a man of the far right .

  16. 他是个出身于拥有土地的中上阶层家庭的极右翼份子。

    He was an extreme right winger from a family of landed gentry .

  17. 他是在为边缘化的极右翼作让步。

    He 's bowing for the far-right fringes .

  18. 在法国下一届总统选举的民调中,一位极右翼候选人刚刚获得了最高支持率。

    A far-right candidate has just topped an opinion poll for the next French presidential race .

  19. 他过去是个极右翼分子,但最近有些转变。

    He used to be very right-wing , but he 's undergone something of a conversion recently .

  20. 着重指出,在德国极右翼排外势力不断猖獗的现在,以强调差别为主要特征的文化多元论恐怕难于解决德国的族群融合问题。

    Point out it is difficult for the Multiculturalism to solve the problem of ethnicity relation in Germany .

  21. 基民盟获得了36%的选票,极右翼德国选择党获得了22.5%的选票。

    The CDU garnered 36 percent of the votes while the far-right Alternative for Germany got 22.5 percent .

  22. 从法国、荷兰到奥地利、希腊,极右翼势力的崛起已是既成事实。

    From France and the Netherlands to Austria and Greece , the radical right is an established phenomenon .

  23. 在日本极右翼势力日益猖獗的形势下,该书中译本出版有着一定的现实意义。

    With the rage of the ultra right wing power , it has some significance to publish the Chinese version .

  24. 他说,在英国来自极右翼的威胁并非重大恐怖主义袭击。

    He says in Britain the threat from the extreme right normally does not come in the form of a major terrorist attack .

  25. 作为一名“崇尚世界主义”的国际人物(而且还是犹太人),如果他来参选,势必成为极右翼的头号目标。

    As a " cosmopolitan " international figure ( and Jewish ) , he would be a prime target for the extreme right .

  26. 参议院司法委员会的听审在阻止持极右翼司法哲学的法学家被任命为最高法院法官方面起到非常重大的作用。

    The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings will be crucially important in preventing jurists with a radically-right wing judicial philosophy from making it to the bench .

  27. 做为一个极右翼保守党,他在1960年出版的小说《羊驼》中表明赋税更高的人应该得到更多的选票。

    An ultra-right-wing conservative , he self-published his 1960 novel , Alpaca , which suggested that those who paid higher taxes should receive more votes .

  28. 该联邦诉讼还提到了特朗普的盟友罗杰·斯通、特朗普竞选团队以及极右翼“骄傲男孩”和“誓言守护者”的成员。

    The federal suit also names his ally Roger Stone , plus the Trump campaign and members of the far-right Proud Boys and Oath Keepers .

  29. 1999年10月,奥地利举行国民议会选举,极右翼政党自由党成为第二大党;

    Austrian congress election took place in October 1999 and the far-fright Austrian Freedom Party became the second biggest party ; the Freedom Party and the People ?

  30. 公众舆论调查显示,由利伯曼率领的极右翼“以色列家园党”得到的支持率直线上升。最近的民调结果说,利伯曼名列第三,仅次于内塔尼亚胡和利夫尼。

    Public-opinion surveys show a sharp increase in support for the far-right Yisreil Beiteinu led by Avigdor Leiberman , who the latest polls showed to be third behind Netanyahu and Livni .