
  • 网络Elysion;Elysium;Final Elysian;Final Elysion
  1. 如何大部分人都能做到人类社会就是佛教中极乐净土。

    Most people can do to human society is the Buddhist Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss .

  2. 一天,佛世尊独自在极乐净土的宝莲池畔闲步。

    One day , the Buddha was strolling alone along the edge of a lotus pond in Paradise .

  3. 永明寿大师于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。

    When he passed away in 975 AD at the age of 72 , Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land .

  4. 此时,惟有极乐净土的蜘蛛丝,依然细细的,闪着一缕银光,半短不长的,飘垂在没有星月的半空中。

    The severed end of the silver thread hung there , suspended from heaven , shining with its pale light in that moonless , starless sky .