
  1. 怀让回答:“磨砖做镜。”

    Huai Rang replied : " I am grinding the brick to make a mirror . "

  2. 怀让解释说:“打个比方说,牛拉车,车不动。你说,应该打牛还是推车?”马祖支支吾吾答不上来。

    Huai Rang explained : " For example , an ox pulls a cart , but the cart doesn 't move . Now , you say , should you whip the ox or push the cart ? "

  3. 有一天,禅宗高僧怀让踱进佛殿,一眼看到马祖和尚正端坐在蒲团上,静心合掌,闭目禅定。

    One day , the eminent2 Monk3 Huai Rang of the Chan sect4 strolled into the temple hall and saw Monk Ma Zu sitting calm and upright on a rush cushion , with his palms put together and his eyes closed in deep meditation5 .

  4. 这时候,怀让认真地对他说:“你学坐禅是为了成佛,其实,成佛靠的是心灵的颖悟,根本不是坐着能解决的。”

    Ma Zu hummed and hawed but couldn 't answer . At this moment , Huai Rang said to him seriously : " You learn to sit in meditation in order to become a Buddha . In fact , it relies on wisdom and comprehension of the mind to become one , not at all on sitting .

  5. 这时候,怀让认真地对他说:

    At this moment , Huai Rang said to him seriously :

  6. 怀让知道马祖一心想成佛,暗自好笑。

    Knowing that Ma Zu aspired to become a Buddha , Huai Rang smiled to himself .

  7. 有一天,禅宗高僧怀让踱进佛殿,一眼看到马祖和尚正端坐在蒲团上,

    One day , the eminent Monk Huai Rang of the Chan sect strolled into the temple hall and saw Monk Ma Zu sitting calm and upright on a rush cushion ,

  8. 我想念你的拥抱。你用臂膀静静地拥我入怀,让爱在我们之间自由而无声地流淌。

    I missed you embrace ; the loving arms that hold me still and let the love flow freely and silently between us .

  9. 不要以怨恨相对,应以慈悲为怀,让我们共同来奋斗完成我们正在从事的艰巨工作。&林肯

    With malice toward none ; with charity for all ; let us strive on to finish the work we are in . & Jonathan Swift

  10. 她向他苦笑了一下,扑到他的怀里,让他吻了一下。

    She smiled at him ruefully and came into his arms for a kiss .

  11. 作者怀着能让每个人活得好一些这样朴素的创作理想来拥抱生活,回馈社会;

    The writer hugs life with a simple creative ideal of " making everyone live a better life " and repaying the society .

  12. 我怀着能让所有人和谐平等的民主自由社会的理想。

    I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities .

  13. 萨拉和本从来都没有后悔过将三胞胎生下来,但萨拉承认怀三胞胎确实让她承受了生理上和感情上的痛苦,也让她对未来有很多担心,同时伴随她的还有不能常常陪在弗莱迪身边的内疚感。

    The couple have never regretted that decision , but Sarah admits her pregnancy was both physically and emotionally arduous , filled with anguish and fear for the future and guilt over how little time she could devote to baby Freddie .

  14. 那孩子将她的洋娃娃紧紧搂在怀里,不让任何人看。

    The child clutched the doll to her arms and would not show it to anyone .

  15. 来我怀里,或让我住进你的心里。

    Come to my arms or let me live into your heart .

  16. 怀着愿景想让校园和社区结合在一起

    with a vision of bringing campus and community together

  17. 酒馆里的客人们又聊起了那个老话题,对伊万进行嘲弄:伊万他妈妈在怀它的时候让一只金丝雀给吓着了,“怕死鬼伊万;胆小鬼伊万。”

    Ivan 's mother was scared by a canary when she carried him in her womb . " Ivan the Terrible & Ivan the Timid One . "

  18. 正因为你的朋友迟到了,你不妨指望着(至少怀着希望)让他们来买单,因为在巴黎,一顿饭的价格简直高得让人咋舌。

    And because they 're late , you might as well expect ( or at least hope ) for them to pay for lunch because it will be fantastically expensive .

  19. 让我靠近你的心与你的灵魂相伴给我你的手拥我入怀问情为何物让星辰照亮我路其实爱我真的很简单

    take me to your heart take me to your soul give me your hand and hold me show me what love is be my guiding star it 's easy take me to your heart