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yī hé
  • Why?;Wherefore?;how
一何 [yī hé]
  • [how] 何其,多么

  • 使君一何愚。--《乐府诗集.陌上桑》

  • 一何怒。--唐.杜甫《石壕吏》

  • 妇啼一何苦。

  1. 音响一何悲&谈中国古代音乐鉴赏中的以悲为美

    On " Taking Sorrow as Sensuousness " in Appreciating Chinese Ancient Music

  2. 这时会是一种何样的意义!

    He then would be a kind of sense !

  3. 对名利,这是一种何其超脱的淡薄!

    On the fame and fortune , which is a detachment of weak How !

  4. 其一,何为等同模型及如何识别某个模型的备择等同模型;

    Firstly , what is an equivalent model and how to discover the alternative equivalent models for a given model ;

  5. 全文共分四部分:(一)何为高峰体验。

    Full text can be divided into four parts : ( One ) How act as the " summit experience " .

  6. 有一天何源兴突然发现一个水族展示缸内的小丑鱼大量产卵,他顺势开始进行繁殖研究。

    One day Ho happened to notice a large number of clownfish eggs in one of the tanks , and leapt at the chance to study clownfish reproduction .

  7. 但是,为什么我们要在新年下决心?这一传统从何而来呢?

    But why do we make these promises to ourselves , and where did this tradition come from ?

  8. 目前的游戏生态系统(很大程度上)分布于手机、游戏机和PC游戏中,您认为安卓电视对这一系统有何影响?

    How do you see Android TV impacting the current video game ecosystem , which is tiered separately ( for the most part ) across mobile , console and PC games ?

  9. 该草案和前一个有何区别?

    How is this draft different from the previous one ?

  10. 这保险计划可真帮了他一忙,何解?

    This plan helps him a lot , why ?

  11. 他试图弄清他们用“丑闻”一词是何意思。

    He tried to make out what they meant by the word'scandal ' .

  12. 东莞对这一条款有何看法?

    Do you have any comment on this clause .

  13. 我不明白他的评论与这一争论有何关系。

    I can 't see the relevance of his comment to the debate .

  14. 英国的这一研究意义何在?

    What is the significance of the UK study ?

  15. 你对这一赛季有何期待?

    What are you looking forward to this season ?

  16. 猜测这一进程有何可取之处是无益之举。

    Speculation as to the desirability of this process is an unprofitable pastime .

  17. 在市场将对这一消息作何反应的问题上商人们存在分歧。

    Traders are divided as to how the market will react to this news .

  18. 福布斯:那么您对传统媒体的广告业务这一块有何看法?

    Forbes : And what do you see on the advertising side in media .

  19. 我不得不插一句,何为“利用”呢?

    I have inserted sentence , what use ?

  20. 本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?

    As there is nothing from the first , where does the dust collect itself ?

  21. 了解两个不同的管理者管理同一公司有何异同是有趣的。

    It 's fascinating how differently the same business can perform with two different leaders .

  22. 我问他对今年在标准剧场上演的《荒草牧场》一剧有何感想。

    I asked him how he felt about'bent ' , which played the criterion this year .

  23. 假定童年是个玩耍的时期,那我们成年人一般会对这一事实作何反应呢?

    Granting that childhood is playhood , how do we adults generally react to this fact ?

  24. 我不觉得中国声称整个东北印度的是自己的一部分有何不妥。

    I don 't see anything wrong in China claiming the whole north-east part of India .

  25. 无论这一道路通向何方

    But wherever that path goes

  26. 不跑不送,白白拣一差事,何有“不遇”之说。

    Send do not run , in vain to choose a job , where there is " no case " is .

  27. “那么,捉来的那一个,何何秀妹,你打算放了她,是不是?”

    " So the girl you 've caught , this ho-er-ho hsiu-mei , is going to be released , then , eh ?"

  28. 你下意识地赋予各种事情以意义,但是大多数时间里却并不清楚这一行为有何影响。

    Most of the time you may be unaware of the effect of your unconscious mind in assigning meaning to life 's events .

  29. 你可以大致说说你希望这份工作对你职业生涯的下一步有何帮助,提一下你希望在公司里有长久的职业发展。

    Talk generally about how you hope the position will prepare you for your next career move . Mention your desire for career growth within the company .

  30. 有一天,何瑞克宁以捕鱼维生的父亲,抱着满满一笼子的小贝壳回来,那种贝壳是艳丽的鲜红色,也就是深红色。

    One day Arachne 's father , who was a fisherman , came home with his baskets full of little shellfish , which were of a bright crimson or purple colour .