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  1. 若欧盟或IMF都不实施救援,还有一个办法:破产。

    There is an alternative to a bail-out within Europe or by the IMF : default .

  2. PLC损伤后可造成膝内翻、胫骨外旋和膝反屈畸形,若忽视或延误治疗,还将导致膝关节软骨退变及其他韧带手术重建失败。

    PLC injury can result in knee varus , tibial external rotation and knee flexion deformity . If not diagnosed and treated in time , will also lead to degeneration of articular cartilage and other ligament reconstruction surgery failure .

  3. 我若神智不清或哀泣。

    For if I 'm senseless , or if I wail ...

  4. 你若拒绝或想欺骗我们。

    You say no or try to burn us .

  5. 先用一次,若无效或有不良应则立即停用。

    Use first time , if the invalid or bad should immediately stop is .

  6. 但若商标或品牌是购买来的,成本可能会相当大。

    If a trademark or brand name is purchased , however , the cost may be substantial .

  7. 然而,野外生产中,若使用或保养不当,采集站易出故障。

    However , the fault rate will increase if cylindrical STB is used and maintained improperly in the field .

  8. 若您或您的配偶发生事故,另一方可以独力支付楼宇贷款吗?

    If something were to happen to you or your spouse could you still afford to pay your mortgage ?

  9. 最后,若编辑或审稿人要求补充分析或者实验,你应该照办并把数据加入稿件;

    Finally , if additional analyses or experiments are required to satisfy the editor or reviewers , you should perform them and add the data to your manuscript ;

  10. 或者若你或你的父母能支付起大学费用,请预先考虑你在学习上的投资能收货多少回报。

    Alternatively if you or your parents have the money for you to pay for college fees up front think about the return you can get on investing it .

  11. 阁下同意若密码或户口在未获准许下遭他人使用,会立刻通知本数学平台,以采取相应的行动。

    You agree that if the password or account is accessed by other persons without your permission , you shall inform this Mathematics platform immediately in order to take relevant action .

  12. 若竖井或其它危险地方被暂时或永久废弃,则须沿着其所有地底入口整个阔度加以安全围封,使到没有人会在非蓄意的情况下进入该处。

    All underground entrances to shafts or other dangerous places which are temporarily or permanently abandoned shall be securely fenced across the whole width of the entrances so that no person can unintentionally enter them .

  13. 但是,燃气锅炉若使用或管理不当,其负面影响范围和严重程度将远远大于燃煤锅炉。

    But , any things all have two heavies , the annoys the boiler if use or manages not appropriate , its negative influence scope and serious degrees will be far larger than the coal boiler far .

  14. 若承包商或其分包商执行合同的任何部分时违反了法律,承包商应承担本合同的所有额外费用,且应对上述违法行为导致的其他后果及改正负责。

    If the contractor or its subcontractor performs any part of the contract contrary to the law , the Contractor shall bear any additional costs of the contract and any other consequences resulting from said violation and correction thereof .

  15. 若有犯罪或不道德的行为,他们就会被解雇。

    They would be sacked for criminal or scandalous behaviour

  16. 若要插入或编辑日期,其他模板应使用采用bind方法的calendar控件。

    To insert or edit a date , the other templates use a calendar control that uses the bind method .

  17. 另外,重症医院感染患者若出现并发症或预后不良时,CRP仍维持较高的血浓度。

    In addition , the CRP values fell slowly and remained higher in the patients with fatal infection .

  18. 若要查看或更改新链接服务器的属性,请连接到分发服务器,先展开security文件夹,再展开链接服务器,右击该链接服务器,然后单击“属性”。

    To view or change the properties of the new linked server , connect to the distributor , expand the security folder , expand linked servers , right-click the linked server , and then click properties .

  19. 当AP网卡上运行着软AP网络时,若有用户或应用程序在STA网卡上启动adhoc网络,则软AP网络就会停止。

    If SoftAP is running on the AP adapter and a user or application starts ad hoc networking on the STA adapter , SoftAP will be shut down .

  20. 大多数航空公司有自己的app,你可以在智能手机上下载,若航班延误或取消,它甚至会在你赶往机场之前就提醒你。

    Most carriers have apps you can download on your smartphone that will alert you if your flight is delayed or canceled , even before you leave for the airport .

  21. 但Arg~B(22)若为D-Arg或Gly代替,活力很低。

    However , when Arg ~ ( B_22 ) was substituted by D-Arg or Gly , their activities were very low .

  22. 若要启动或重新启动sqldiag服务,请从命令行运行。

    To start or restart the sqldiag service , run sqldiag start from the command line .

  23. 若CQARA解散或结束,所有有效会员及干事的财务责任上限为港币拾圆正。

    If CQARA is dissolved or wound up , the maximum financial responsibility of all valid members and office-bearers should not exceed ten Hong Kong Dollars .

  24. 若你被捕或这件事走漏风声。

    If you 're captured or if any of this leaks .

  25. 若奥斯华或宣称是奥斯华的人。

    If Oswald or someone purporting to be oswald .

  26. 若短时接触或在低污染的情况下,应使用呼吸过滤装置。

    In case of brief exposure or low pollution use respiratory filter device .

  27. 若每种或某种电阻值需要更多的数量,请联系凝睿电子工作人员。

    Any parts in the kit you need more , please contact NR service .

  28. 若需要更长或更大的软管,应对具体风险分析进行评估。

    Specific risk analysis shall be assessed if longer or larger hoses are needed .

  29. 若要隐藏或显示工具栏,请单击视图菜单中的工具栏。

    To hide or display the toolbar , click Toolbar from the View menu .

  30. 参展企业若取消参展或削减展出面积,应以出面形式通知(主办单位)。

    A written notification by the exhibitor is demanded for cancellation of exhibition space .