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shè ruò
  • suppose;provided;if
设若 [shè ruò]
  • [if] 假若

  • 设若单单是有阳光,那也算不了出奇。--《济南的冬天》

设若[shè ruò]
  1. 设若你能成功地强迫它,很好。

    If you succeed in forcing it , very well .

  2. 设若可以这样,生命愿意打个折扣,少活些年。

    If they choose can be life , willing to fight a discount , less live more years .

  3. 我们之所以需要它,因为设若没有困难,便断无游戏可言。

    We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game .

  4. 设若单单是有阳光,那也算不了出奇。

    It 's not surprising that Jinan is only full of sunshine in winter .

  5. 设若你巧遇老鞋,看到他全无生机的面孔及调皮的牙齿。

    Suppose you happen to meet YOS , looking at his vigorless face and mischievous teeth .

  6. 维多利亚时代的科学家设想过用点亮灯盏和大量燃油的方式与设若存在的火星人取得联系。

    Victorian-era scientists toyed with plans to use lanterns and burning pools of oil to contact postulated Martians .

  7. 如果此言有误,设若此说虚妄,世上从无真爱,诗人何必吟唱。

    If this be error , and upon me proved , I never writ , nor man ever loved .

  8. 但是我告诉你,设若你发现你自己在这堵墙之前,这是什么新事物的开始。

    But I tell you that when you find yourself before this wall , it is the beginning of something new .

  9. 设若人在高等知觉性中领悟某一真理而遭到心思的抵抗,心思会被迫接受此新的真理吗?

    If one realises a certain truth in the higher consciousness but the mind resists , should the mind be forced to accept this new truth ?

  10. 想你必已倦于光明,倦此修途,设若未曾有我,及我的飞鹰和长蛇。

    you would have wearied of your light and of the journey , had it not been for me , mine eagle , and my serpent .

  11. 设若这个人的权能耗尽,一般人会说,“那好,我可以不再做任何事情了,到此为止。”

    When the personal power runs out ordinary people say ," That 's good , I can no longer do any thing , it is finished . "

  12. 设若脚说,我不是手,所以不属乎身子。他不能因此就不属乎身子。

    If the foot shall say , Because I am not the hand , I am not of the body ; is it therefore not of the body ?

  13. 设若实际不能避免,可以用几分钟甚或数小时来驱除电介质吸收引起的电流。

    In cases where this practice is unavoidable , it may take minutes or even hours in some cases for the current caused by dielectric absorption to dissipate .

  14. 老年人和阴郁而烦闷的年青人,设若和她在一块待上片刻,聊聊天,就好像变得和她一个模样了。

    Old men and bored , depressed young men gazing at her felt as though they were becoming like her , by being with her and talking a little while to her .

  15. 无论如何,你将必须始终坐在它上面,因为设若你起身一分钟,你将立即看到什么会发生!

    In any case , you will have to sit upon it all the time , for if ever you should get up for a minute you will see immediately what happens !

  16. 设若大前提为‘男孩儿爱吃水果’,小前提为‘你是男孩儿’,则结论为‘所以你爱吃水果’。

    If the major premise is ` Boys like fruit ' and the minor premise is ` You are a boy ' , then the conclusion is ` Therefore you like fruit ' .

  17. 设若教育家不把自己的努力和儿童自愿进行的、独立于教育家的某种活动结合起来,教育到头来就成了来自外部的一种压力。

    Save as the efforts of the educator connect with some activity which the child is carrying on of his own initiative independent of the educator , education becomes reduced to a pressure from without .

  18. 奇特而孤独的生活的折磨,已经在一定程度上影响了她的思绪,设若她精神上怯懦些,心理上脆弱些,这种影响就会更加严重。

    Her imagination was somewhat affected , and , had she been of a softer moral and intellectual fibre , would have been still more so , by the strange and solitary anguish of her life .

  19. 她行进,而设若在她行进的过程中她毁灭了成千上万的人类,对她而言这不是多么严重的事情,她还可以重造数百万!

    She goes on , and if in the course of her march she destroys a few thousand men , it is not of much importance for her , she can make again a few millions !

  20. 设若我们决定,人们对于相信一个“创始心灵”可以靠反思而得到解决,但是未得协助的反思不能让我们往前更进一步,那就是获致上帝是公正和爱恤的信念。

    Suppose that we decide that belief in a creative mind is one which we can reach by reflection , but that we cannot advance by unaided reflection to the further belief that God is just or loving .

  21. 设若象他这样神圣的人,就在众人眼前飞升,渐黯又渐明,最终消失在天国的光辉中,也不会被视为难以企及的奇迹。

    Nor would it have seemed a miracle too high to be wrought for one so holy , had he ascended before their eyes , waxing dimmer and brighter , and fading at last into the light of heaven !