
  • 网络Design earthquake;MDE
  1. 根据特定场地的设计地震对设计地震动的一种评估方法

    An evaluation methodology of design earthquake motions based on site-specific design earthquakes

  2. 利用数字化速度记录仿真加速度时程与合成场地设计地震波

    Using digital velocity records simulate acceleration time history and synthesize site design earthquake

  3. 用Motif工具库设计地震正演模拟系统人机交互界面

    A seismic modeling interactive interface designed by using motif Library

  4. 本文采用ASP技术设计地震安全性评价与抗震设防要求信息系统,并介绍了系统结构和部分功能模块。

    In the paper , adopting the ASP technique to design the information system required by seismic safety evaluation and earthquake resistant and to introduce the system structure and part function modules .

  5. 本文对锦州93P人工岛场地设计地震反应谱进行了预测,主要研究工作由四个环节组成:(1)锦州93P场地的基岩地震动危险性分析;

    A seismic spectrum forecast of JZ 9-3 P Artificial Island is conducted . The main research work consists of 4 parts : 1 . danger analysis of the seismic oscillation to the field bedrock ;

  6. 概率地震危险性分析与设计地震:消除不协调

    Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and design earthquakes : closing the loop

  7. 工程场地设计地震波选择实例

    Case history of design seismic wave selection for construction site

  8. 徕远广场结构设计地震波的确定

    Determination of seismic wave of structural design of Laiyuan square

  9. 基于遗传算法的设计地震反应谱标定方法

    Calibrating Method of Seismic Response Spectrum Based on Genetic Algorithm

  10. 设计地震反应谱的双参数标定方法及其应用

    The double - parameter calibrating method of seismic respone spectrum and its application

  11. 设计地震波的小波包多尺度调整

    Multi-Scale Adjustment for Design Earthquake Accelerogram by Wavelet Package

  12. 考虑设计地震分组的强度折减系数的研究

    Study on strength reduction factors considering the effect of classification of design earthquake effec

  13. 提出场地设计地震反应谱。

    Field design of the seismic spectrum .

  14. 多层砖房抗裂抗倒设计地震荷载系数的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of design load coefficient for multi-story brick buildings against seismic cracking and collapsing

  15. 设计地震区的高层建筑时,选择结构的适宜自振周期是十分重要的。

    It is important to select reasonable natural period of high-rise building in seismic design .

  16. 由本方法确定的设计地震是相对合理的,工程设计人员容易接受。

    The design earthquake determined by this approach is relatively reasonable and easily accepted by engineering designers .

  17. 锦州9&3P人工岛场地设计地震反应谱的评定

    The Evaluation of Seismic Spec ' . rum in the Design of JZ 9-3 P Artificial Island

  18. 要得到高质量的地震数据,合理的设计地震数据采集观测系统是非常关键的。

    In order to acquire seismic data with high quality , the geometry has to be designed properly .

  19. 对于柔性悬臂墙而言,估算设计地震力时可以忽略墙体惯性产生的作用力。

    For flexible cantilevered walls , forces resulting from Wall inertia effects may be ignored in estimating the seismic design forces .

  20. 不同结构体系的设计地震作用与结构影响系数有关。结构影响系数的取值与结构延性、强度储备有关。

    The design earthquake action of various structural systems is affected by structural influencing coefficient which is related with structural ductility and overstrength .

  21. 最后还讨论了把设计地震反应谱转换成地震烈度的方法,给出了建议的转换方案。

    Finally , a methodology converting response spectrum of design earthquake to seismic intensity is also discussed ; and a conversion scheme is recommended .

  22. 结果表明,9°斜坡路基在设计地震作用下,最大融化深度时的安全系数为3.575,即最小安全系数为3.575,滑移面在粉质粘土层内冻融界面附近。

    The result shows that the safety factor of embankment upon slope of 9 degrees is 3.575 . The sliding surface is nearby the freezing-thawing surface .

  23. 提出一种新的地震动随机模型,并根据不同的场地类别和设计地震分组,参照现行抗震规范谱对地震动随机模型中的参数进行了标定。

    A new seismic random model is proposed , and the model parameters are determined according to different site classifications and design earthquake effects specified in current seismic code .

  24. 通过剪力墙边缘应变的计算,明确通过常规承载力验算的剪力墙在设计地震等效荷载作用下可达到的性能等级。

    Then , the performance level lying behind the conventional seismic design procedures is manifested according to the calculated edge strain by imposing the equivalent load of the earthquake action on the shear walls .

  25. 在考虑了钢结构的延性性能、阻尼比等因素对结构地震作用的影响之后,给出了采用概率&延性调整系数的设计地震力的参考公式。

    After considering the influences of the tensility performance and ratio of damping on the earthquake action of steel structure , the reference formula to design the earthquake force based on the λ is given .

  26. 设计地震分组是影响强度折减系数的一个重要因素,在应用我国规范设计反应谱构造非弹性反应谱所用的强度折减系数必须考虑设计分组的影响;

    The classification of design earthquake also has an important effect on strength reduction factors and it may be unsuitable to use the existing expressions of strength reduction factors to the design spectra of Chinese seismic code .

  27. 详细分析了在设计地震作用下,坝体及其接缝的地震反应特性及其一般规律,包括加速度反应、位移反应、应力反应等。

    The seismic response characteristic and its general law of dam body and joint are analyzed in detail under the effect of design earthquake , including acceleration response , displacement response , stress response and so on .

  28. 在总结振动台应用背景的基础上,设计地震模拟振动台并联机构基本构型,其特点为:工作平台具有空间六维运动自由度,且具有很强的承载力和驱动能力。

    Based on summarizing of the application background of vibration table , we design basic configuration of parallel mechanism , which is characterized as follows : working platform with six-dimensional space freedom of movement , and has a strong bearing capacity and drive capability .

  29. 接着引入地震噪声因素,从野外滤波最佳化的角度分析了高分辨率接收系统、叠加组合法接收系统和强化接收系统的应用条件,给出了以噪声强度为约束条件设计地震接收参数的方法。

    After introducing a seismic noise factor , analysis on the applied conditions for high-resolution , stack array and enhanced receiving systems is made in the context of optimizing acquisition filters and the method to selecting seismic receiving parameters with a nominal noise level as constraints is also presented .

  30. 结果表明:①多遇地震作用下,结构处于弹性阶段;设计地震作用下,结构可能进入塑性阶段,但其塑性表现不明显;罕遇地震作用下,结构明显进入塑性阶段。

    The results show that : ① Under low-level earthquake , the structure stays at elastic stage ; Under design earthquake , the structure may enter into plastic stage , but the plastic behavior would not be obvious ; Under high-level earthquake , the structure obviously shows the ductility characteristics .