
  • 网络Design load
  1. 灰色GM(1,1)预测出岩体极限承载力为设计荷载的6.09~6.15倍,锚碇处于安全状态,并有足够安全储备。

    The ultimate bearing capacity of wall rock is 6.09 ~ 6.15 times of its design load , which is forecasted by grey GM ( 1,1 ) model .

  2. 而公园前车站钢管柱的钢管为16Mn钢,其屈服强度高于3号钢,因此该节点的极限抗剪能力将大于4倍的设计荷载(剪力)。

    The shear-resistance capacity of the joint is approximately four times as much as the design load when the tube steel is of A3 . The higher is the yield strength of the steel tube , the bigger will be the shear-resistance capacity of the joint .

  3. 乐都县城西大桥为6×20m后张法预应力混凝土空心板梁桥,下部为四柱四桩式结构,桥面总宽26.5m,设计荷载为城A级。

    Ledu Bridge is a post tensioned prestressed concrete hollow slab beam bridge with 6 × 20m . The substructure is a four column and four pile type structure . The total width of the bridge is 26.5m and the design loading is Chen A class .

  4. 对于结构负风压,按规范计算的值比按统计方法得到的计算值大,应作为设计荷载。

    The larger values should be used as the design load .

  5. 风荷载是建筑结构的主要设计荷载。

    Wind load is a main design load for building structures .

  6. 结构设计荷载的错误对结构可靠性影响研究

    Research on Design Structural Reliability Influenced by Design Load Error

  7. 滑坡治理工程中抗滑桩支挡设计荷载取值及安全度分析

    Load Value and Safety Analysis of Anti - slip Pile

  8. 跨海铁路轮渡栈桥的设计荷载

    Design Load of Railway Ferry Trestle Bridge over the Sea

  9. 在此基础上,对润扬悬索桥进行了四种设计荷载工况下的静力分析。

    Further , static analysis under four different design loads was performed .

  10. 林用装卸桥设计荷载取值的研究

    On the Design Load Value of Forestry Stevedoring Bridge

  11. 输电线路铁塔设计荷载与塔重的关系式分析

    Analysis on Relation Formula of Design Load to Tower Weight for Transmission Towers

  12. 对于高耸柔性结构,风荷载往往是起控制作用的设计荷载。

    For high-rise flexible structure , wind load is usually the dominant load .

  13. 结构设计荷载组合取值变化及其影响分析

    Effects of factors in load combinations on design value

  14. 日光温室设计荷载探讨

    Determination of Loads on Solar Greenhouses for Structure Design

  15. 公路桥梁设计荷载是公路与桥梁设计的重要技术指标。

    The design load is the important technical criteria on road and bridge design .

  16. 大型车辆设计荷载取值探讨

    Discussion on Design Value of Heavy Vehicle Loads

  17. 在实际情况中,坝内埋管的荷载水平不可能超过设计荷载。

    The load of the penstocks is impossible to exceed the design level in fact .

  18. 轻型钢骨结构低层住宅设计荷载分析

    Analysis on Structural Design Load for Low - Rise Residential Cold - Formed Steel Framing

  19. 在考虑了各项设计荷载的基础上,详细模拟了各施工阶段。

    Taking into account the design load , based on detailed simulation of the construction phase .

  20. 高层建筑基础设计荷载的取值及对结构安全度的影响

    Getting data from the tall building groundwork designing load and the effect of the framework security degree

  21. 索梁锚固区的极限承载力为设计荷载的3.07倍,有一定的安全储备。

    The ultimate bearing capacity of anchorage zone attains 3.07 times as much as its designed load .

  22. 由相似关系可知,在弹性范围内结构的承载力远大于其设计荷载。

    It can be known from elastic range that structure load carrying is over than design load .

  23. 模型的加载测试内容按照原型桥梁设计荷载及使用内力来确定。

    Based on the design load and internal force employed the content of load test is ascertained .

  24. 计算结果表明,原有老桥经加固改造后可以满足设计荷载的要求;

    The calculation results reveal that the bridge can meet the demand of the design load after maintaining .

  25. 深圳特区公路简支梁桥设计荷载效应国内外规范比较研究

    Research on Live Load Effects for Simply-supported Highway Bridges of Shenzhen Special District on Criteria Home and Abroad

  26. 简要介绍苏南重件码头的自然条件、设计荷载及结构型式。

    The paper briefly introduces the natural condition , design load and structural type of sunan Heavy Cargo Wharf .

  27. 日光温室设计荷载探讨不同围护结构材料日光温室的多目标模糊优选

    Determination of Loads on Solar Greenhouses for Structure Design Multi-object Fuzzy Decision of Solar Greenhouses with Different Structural Materials

  28. 比较了此种结构在设计荷载作用下非线性与线性计算的结果;

    The results of nonlinear theory of the pole under design loads are compared with the results of linear theory .

  29. 在设计荷载作用下,栓钉(剪力墙)承担80%~90%的侧向荷载。

    At the design load level , the RC infill undertakes 80 % ~ 90 % of the lateral load ;

  30. 研究表明,该铸钢节点在设计荷载的作用下,具有足够的强度和刚度;

    The present investigation indicates that the cast steel joint subjected to its design loads has sufficient strength and rigidity .