
  • 网络design head
  1. 分析了定型设计水头的选定方法和存在问题,提出了定型设计水头确定的原则及其计算式;

    The selection of a design head with it existing problem is analysed . Subsequently , the criteria for its determination a formula for its computation are given .

  2. 从目前论证的三峡工程水电机组选型及主要参数来分析,三峡电站选用的设计水头偏低,单机出力限制了高水头运行区机组效率。

    It is considered that selected design head is low for Sanxia power station and the efficiency is limited by single-unit output at high head range , according to analyzing the demonstration for main parameters of units at station .

  3. 在低水头电站中,设计水头在10m以下时,水轮机的转轮直径相对较大,而机组的转速相对很低。NET开发平台环境下进行开发。

    For the low head hydro power station , the diameter of turbine will be relatively large , and the rated speed will be very low as well if the rated net head is lower than 10m .

  4. 通过对设计水头为39.5m的预应力混凝土蜗壳进行三维仿真数值模拟,计算了不同工况不同锚索初始张拉力的应力分布状况。

    By 3D numerical imitation for the prestressed concrete snail shell under the designed water head of 39.5m , the stress distribution of the anchor 's initial tensile force is calculated in different workable situations .

  5. 小浪底水利枢纽排沙洞工作闸门的设计水头为122m,其止水的设计既要考虑高水头闸门止水的需要,又要考虑泥沙的影响,具有一定的特点。

    The design level of working gate for desilting tunnel of Xiaolangdi Water Control Project is 122 m. The design of its water stop not only should consider the requirements of high-head gate but also take the influence of silt into account .

  6. 论水电站水轮机设计水头选择

    Selection of Turbine ′ s Rated Head for Hydropower Stations

  7. 滴灌系统滴头设计水头的取值依据

    Determination of the design working head of emitter

  8. 应用本试验结果对布尔可夫及丘金娜公式进行了修正,建议水电站拦污栅设计水头损失取值3~5m。

    Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .

  9. 监测成果表明押在设计水头运行条件下,反向弧形阀门在启闭过程中运行是安全的,人字门在启闭过程中运行平稳。

    It indicates that under the design water head condition , the ogee gates work safely in operation , miter gates can open and shut steadily .

  10. 高坝洲水电站由于设计水头较高,设计单位建议采用预应力钢筋混凝土蜗壳。

    Due to the high water head of the GHS , the design unit put forward a suggestion of using the pre stressed reinforced concrete spiral case .

  11. 尽管构皮滩电站的水头变幅并不大,但最高效率要求较高,而且设计水头附近横向权值大。

    Though the range of water head is not too wide , maximum efficiency of Goupitan hydroelectric plant is very high and weighted efficiency focus on rated head wide range in flow .

  12. 为此对如何合理地确定水轮机设计水头和适当增大发电机容量以改善运行稳定性问题进行论述,并对机组结构型式和发电机冷却方式也作了分析研究。

    This paper describes how to rationally determine the design water head of turbine and properly increase the generator capacity in order to improve the operation stability , and analyzes the generator unit structural type and generator cooling way .

  13. 如何解决闸门在设计水头高的情况下的关闭问题、在设计周期短,任务重的情况下,如何保质保量地完成设计任务及闸门的防腐问题是本文所要研究的主要课题。

    The main task of this paper is to perfectly solve the steel gate close under high design hydraulic head and antisepsis of steel gate , to complete design work under the design cycle is short and the work is hard .

  14. 进而按滴灌系统适应地形的能力与灌区田面状况相匹配的原则,导出了滴头设计水头的计算式。

    Further more , the equation of the design working head of emitter was deduced based on the ( principle ) that the ( ability ) of system to adapt to land configuration matches to the surface status of irrigation area .

  15. 本文从理论上严格地定义了低水头径流式电站设计水头的新概念,提出了适合大、中、小低水头电站机型机组选择的一整套计算方法和灯泡式水轮机组参数的设计方法。

    Theoretically defines a new concept of the design head for low head runoff station . Provides a complete method to select turbine type and set , and design tub-turbine parameters , which is suitable for big , middle and small station .

  16. 文化旅游是近年来旅游的热点,没有文化的旅游是没有生命力的。应用本试验结果对布尔可夫及丘金娜公式进行了修正,建议水电站拦污栅设计水头损失取值3~5m。

    Cultural tourism is a focus in these years , tourism shall lose value if it has not culture . Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .

  17. 低水头径流式电站多属河床电站,由于水头较低,引水部分水力损失占设计水头比重较大,从进水口到尾水管出口的水头损失必须考虑。

    Low-head power stations without storage are mostly belong to riverbed power stations , water head loss of diversion system account for a large part in the computing water head , so the water head loss from infall to draft tube outlet must be consided .

  18. 利用本文推导的曲线方程,设计总水头一定,即可得到相应的曲线型实用堰渥奇(Ogee)剖面上游复合圆弧段的曲线方程。

    By using the deductive curve equation in the paper , as the designed amount of gross water is definite , correspondingly the curve equation in the upstream complex-arc segment of practical curve-shaped dyke on its Ogee section could be gotten .

  19. 可调式跌水网格混合器设计参数对水头损失的影响

    Effect of design parameters of adjustable head fall grid mixer on head loss

  20. 通过模型试验,研究可调式跌水网格混合器主要设计参数对水头损失的影响。

    According to adjustable head fall mixer , the effect of mixer parameters on head loss was studied in the model experiment .

  21. 不同的软土地基基坑围护结构降水设计对地下水水头有不同的影响,从而产生不同的地面沉降。

    Dewatering for different foundation pit fencing structures in soft ground has different impacts on the head of ground water , causing different ground settlement .

  22. 由计算出来的结果可以看出,环状管网能够改善湿式自动喷水灭火系统的水力条件,减小系统的设计流量与水头损失,降低消防水泵的扬程。

    According to the calculation results , circular pipe network could improve the hydraulic conditions , reduce the designed flux and water head loss , and debase the lift of fire protection water pump of wet automatic sprinkler systems .

  23. 为目前设计中生物滤池水头损失值依靠经验取值和借鉴普通快滤池的情况提出了一定的革新。

    Have some innovation on the design of current biological filter head loss relying on experience and common filter .