
  • 网络SPEED;rated speed;Rpm;nominal speed
  1. 主汽轮机经常由某一转速直接速关停车,有时甚至在最大额定转速运行时直接速关停车,有时又从停车直接跳跃到高工况的某一转速。

    Steam frequently by the owners of a quick closing speed direct parking , and sometimes even the greatest running rpm rated speed directly related parking , and sometimes directly leaping from the parking to a state of speed .

  2. 对相关的技术参数如电动机的额定转矩、额定转速、额定电流和摩托车的续驶路程等进行了计算和分析。

    Meanwhile , the related technical parameters , such as rated torque , rated rpm , rated current of the motor and the cruising range of motorcycle and so on are calculated and analyzed .

  3. 基于PMC窗口功能的主轴电机转速监控调速电动机额定转速

    Monitor and Control for Revolution Speed of Spindle Motor Based on PMC Windows Function

  4. 设计了一种基于单片机控制的PWM降压与机械减速相结合的调速方案,较好地解决了普通直流他励电机的高额定转速与检测现场要求稳定低速下放探锤的矛盾;

    A speed modulation scheme based microcomputer control PWM step-down combine with mechanical slow-down is designed . The contradictory between DC-motor ′ s higher speed and worksite ′ s low speed requirement is solved .

  5. 在65%额定转速下,两台样机经整流后的空载输出电压比额定电压分别高2.5V和2.2V;

    The output voltage of unloading after commutating is 2.5V and 2.2V higher than the rating voltage ;

  6. 在额定转速、额定电压和额定功率因数不变的条件下,发电机的额定出力由原来的100MW提高至114MW。

    And the rated output of generator would be increased from 100 MW to 114 MW under the condition that rated speed , rated voltage and rated power factor were not changed .

  7. 调速电动机额定转速主轴可转位五轴高速铣床的建模与动态仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Tilting Principal Axis Five-axis High-speed Milling Machine

  8. 动力参数包括:电动机功率、额定转速、电机型号等。

    Power parameter include : motor power , rated speed , motor model , etc.

  9. 研究结果表明:在其它参数不变时,存在最优加转磁场转速,使转子达到额定转速所需的加转时间最短。文中给出的确定该最优转速的方法是有效可行的;

    An effective method to design the optimal rotational speed of magnetic field was given .

  10. 风力提水机的风力机额定转速为70r/min。

    The rated wind power machine rotate speed rating is 70 r / min by this test .

  11. 伺服电机有很小的启动频率,能很快从最低转速加速到额定转速。

    Servo motor have small start frequency , can quickly from the lowest revolution accelerated to the rated speed .

  12. 当达到发动机额定转速时,节流板趋于关闭位置。

    Base speed of an adjustable-speed motor The throttle plate moves toward the closed position as rated speed is reached .

  13. 由于转子材料屈服点较低,在额定转速时,局部会出现塑性形变。

    Because of the lower yield point of rotor material , the local plastic deformations are found during operation at rate speed .

  14. 结果表明,泵启动后,双螺杆多相泵转矩随转速的增加而增大;额定转速下,转矩随进、出口压差的增大而增大;

    For a rated rotary speed , the torque of the pump increases with the increase of the pressure drop through the pump .

  15. 血泵的额定转速内,红细胞撞击破碎而造成的损伤并不明显。

    Within the specified speed of the blood pump , the hurt of red blood cell from the impacting fragmentation is not obvious .

  16. 提出了用一套变频装置满足不同额定转速的风机试车要求的措施。

    Measures for using a set of inverting unit to meet the test running requirement of fan with various rated speed are put forward .

  17. 在我国已建水电站中,额定转速为1000r/min的立轴式常规水轮发电机组的最大单机容量为100MW。

    MW is the largest capacity of common vertical-spindle turbines with rated rotational speed of 1,000 r / m in built hydropower stations of China .

  18. 通过对整个转动轴系的仿真计算,得出了在额定转速条件下,组合轴承及支撑轴承所承受支反力的变化规律,验证了轴承强度。

    Via the emulation of the whole shaft system , the force change rule of the supporting bearing under the rated speed condition is obtained .

  19. 电回馈加载具有非常优良的加载特性,在额定转速以下可以保持恒转矩加载特性,额定转速以上保持恒功率加载特性。

    Electricity feedback loading has excellent loading characteristics , which realizes to load in constant torque under normal speed and in constant power above normal speed .

  20. 为了摆脱对机械位置检测器的依赖,研制从静止状态到额定转速的全程转子电气位置检测器非常必要。

    In order to simplify structure and improve reliability , it is necessary to develop whole process electric rotor position detector to operate from rest to rated speed .

  21. 组合压气机试验件台架试验时振动较大,转子无法达到额定转速。

    The combined compressor rotor in not able to reach the maximum rating speed on test bench because its level of vibration is very high and exceeds vibration limits .

  22. 计算结果表明,叶片的主要振动形式是挥舞振动和摆振振动,叶片以额定转速运行时,不会发生共振现象。

    The results showed that the main vibration form of blade were waved and shimmy vibration , the resonance phenomenon did not occur when blades running at rated speed .

  23. 为了使试验数据尽可能反映真实值,在试验设备能力允许的情况下,试验转速应不低于额定转速的80%。

    To make the test data be more close to the true value , the test rotation speed should not be lower than eighty percent of the rated rotation speed .

  24. 通过实验验证了所提出的多模态切换算法能够有效实现混合励磁同步电机在额定转速以下力矩的大幅增加,且电机运行稳定,动态性能良好。

    Experiments show that the proposed multi-modal switch algorithm can effectively increase torque at rated speed or below . And the motor is running stable , having good dynamic performance .

  25. 从整车驱动角度分析提出了电动汽车电机驱动系统的理想动力特性:低于额定转速恒转矩,高于额定转速恒功率。

    The ideal power characteristic for traction motor system is put forward from the vehicle driving point with constant torque drive below base speed and constant power drive above base speed .

  26. 在额定转速的30%以下的低速阶段,这些问题的存在将导致速度控制性能严重下降,甚至失控,这就限制了直接转矩控制的应用范围。

    Below 30 % of rated velocity , these problems will make the performance of speed control to descend badly , even lost control , which limits the scope of application of DTC .

  27. 在高温气冷堆氦气透平和发电机之间布置减速箱,作用是将氦气透平的高转速降低到发电机转子所需要的额定转速。

    In a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor ( HTGR ) system , the gearbox is installed between Helium turbine and dynamotor , to reduce the high speed of gas turbine to a normal speed required by dynamotor rotor .

  28. 仿真与台架试验结果表明,所建立的模型正确,整个驱动控制系统具有额定转速之下恒转矩、额定转速之上恒功率、较宽的调速范围、良好的动态特性等特点。

    The simulation and bench test results show that the model is valid and the driving control system has constant torque under rated speed , constant torque above rated speed , widely variable speed range and better dynamic performance .

  29. 随着风力发电机的容量不断的增大以及风机的柔性的增大,如何使风力发电机在额定转速以上更好的运行以及降低风力发电机组的载荷这两个问题显得越来越重要。

    With the wind turbines ' capacity and flexible increasing , it is important for us to solve the questions that how to make the wind turbine operation better above the rate rotation speed and reduce the wind turbine load .

  30. 对静液压马达缸体倾角变小使转速上升的原因及其效率变化对冷却风扇额定转速的影响进行了探讨和研究,并对在机车设计中静液压马达缸体倾角最小值的采用提出了建议。

    The reasons of higher motor rotation speed due to smaller inclination of hydrostatic motor cylinder and the influence of motor efficiency change on the rated speed of cooling fan were investigated , and the minimum inclination in locomotive design was proposed .