
  • 网络Rated Life;rating life;Hours
  1. 在相关额定寿命与最大接触应力的数值解基础上,基于最大主拉应力,构建了全新的si3N4陶瓷球的滚动接触疲劳寿命与接触应力的数学模型。

    The tensile stress life model about silicon nitride ceramic balls was set up between rolling contact fatigue life and contact stress on the basis of the correlative numerical solution between the rating life and the maximum contact stress .

  2. 试验结果表明:在煤油润滑条件下,超精研轴承的额定寿命比滚研轴承约提高1倍,中值寿命约提高83%。附图5幅,表3个。

    The result shows : under kerosene lubricating condition , the rating life of the bearing produced by roller lapping than by superfinishing , is improved approximately by one time , while the medium life is raised by 83 % .

  3. 滚动直线导轨系统额定寿命计算的研究

    Researching on specified life calculation of linear rolling guide system

  4. 对T4AR3572多排均载推力轴承进行均载率测试,并计算出轴承的额定寿命和静强度。

    The efficiency of multi-serial uniform load thrust bearing was tested . Accordingly the rated service life and the statical strength were calculated .

  5. 对正常润滑条件下有一定转速的滚动轴承,主要进行接触疲劳的基本额定寿命计算。

    The calculation of the basic rating life on contact fatigue is key to rolling bearing with ordinary lubrication state and certain rotative velocity .

  6. 根据可靠性原理,导出了滚动直线导轨系统额定寿命的计算方法,具有重要的工程应用价值。

    Based on reliability theory , the calculation formula of specified life of linear rolling guide system is deduced . The result is of important engineering value .

  7. 主要对在复杂工况下,滚动轴承额定寿命的计算进行了理论分析,并提出了比较符合生产实际情况的额定寿命的计算公式。

    In this paper , the calculation of the rating life of beating running under complicated working conditions is theoretically analyzed and the formulas that basically corresponding to reality of production are proposed .

  8. 最后以静力分析结果为基础,运用ANSYS/FE-SAFE软件对型腔进行疲劳分析,得出疲劳失效薄弱区,并计算了型腔的疲劳寿命及额定寿命下的疲劳安全系数。

    In the end , on the basis of the static analysis results , take use of ANSYS / FE-SAFE for cavity fatigue analysis , conclude fatigue failure weak area , then , calculate the fatigue life of the mould .

  9. 力学性能试验结果表明:随含氮量增加,改善了额定接触疲劳寿命。

    Mechanical tests show that the increase of nitrogen content improves the ra-ted contact fatigue life ( L_ ( 10 ));

  10. 优化结果表明,在与同型号常规谐波减速器同样的效率、额定力矩、寿命的前提下,柔轮的轴向尺寸减少了30%左右。

    The optimization results show that under premise conditions of nearly the same efficiency , starting torque , life , the axial size of flexspline reduce by about 30 % .

  11. 滚珠轴承额定负荷和疲劳寿命。

    Loading ratings and fatigue life for ball bearings .