
  • 网络round up
  1. 他从门上取下外衣。

    He unhooked his coat from the door .

  2. 西蒙从书架上取下一本厚重的书。

    Simon lifted a weighty volume from the shelf .

  3. 他从书架上取下一本厚重的书。

    He lifted a weighty volume from the shelf .

  4. 他从书架上取了一本书。

    He took a book from the shelf .

  5. 第一位叫香农的狗拉雪橇驾驶者在尼纳纳的火车上取了药,然后行驶了一整夜。

    The first musher , Shannon , picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night .

  6. 老人把它放在心里,然后从他那伤痕累累的心上取了一块放在年轻人心里的伤口上。

    The old man placed it in his heart , and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man 's heart .

  7. 到衣架上取外套。

    He went over and took his jacket from the coat rack .

  8. 从书架上取下那些情书、

    Take down the love letters from the bookshelf ,

  9. 他从头上方橱架上取下高脚餐具

    He picked stemware from the slotted overhead .

  10. 巴黎圣母院的使徒雕像也得以重获新生,为进行例行修复,它们被从大教堂尖顶上取了下来,就在尖顶被烧毁的几天前。

    A second life too for these statues of the apostles , taken from the cathedral 's spire for routine restoration , days before it collapsed12 in flames .

  11. 后来,耶稣的朋友来把他的身体从十字架上取下来,埋葬在一个有钱人的坟墓里。

    Later friends came and took Jesus ' body down from the cross and buried Him in a rich man 's burial place , called a sepulchre , or tomb .

  12. 在曲面上取这个格子由u,v方向给出的。

    I am taking this grid on my surface given by the u and v directions .

  13. a函数在H3内的双边胞腔上取常值.本文具体给出了这些值。

    And we check two statements :( 1 ) a-function is constant on the two-sided cells of group H_3 . We compute out all the constants .

  14. 我们考察了底物N上取代基、溶剂、碱、反应温度、浓度以及碱的当量对反应活性、对映选择性和非对映选择性的影响。

    The influence of substituent effects on nitrogen , solvents , bases , reaction temperature , concentrations and the amount of bases in the reaction have been investigated .

  15. 习惯上取L2做为与L2同时确定的角动量分量。

    It is traditional to take L2 as the component of angular momentum that will be specified along with L2 .

  16. 在具有可列基的Banach空间的基上取确定值的有界线性泛函存在的充要条件

    Necessary and sufficient condition in which bounded linear functional exists enjoying definite value at basis on Banach space enjoying countable base

  17. 探索了面上取点、一补x法及合理安排教学顺序等作为传统教学方法的补充,取得了良好的效果。

    Exploring some methods such as getting spots from surface , one supplying X and applying reasonably teaching order to makeup for the tradition teaching , satisfactory effects are achieved .

  18. 经过多年的不懈努力,大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)已取得崭新的发展,在中国篮坛上取到了辉煌的名声和成就。

    Through years of unremitting efforts , CUBA has made new development , and it also gain reputation and get brilliant achievements .

  19. 结果合成7个新酯碱化合物,药理筛选结果表明C3′N上取代基对抗肿瘤活性有一定影响。

    Results The seven new esters were studied for antitumor activity , the results showed that the antitumor activity was influenced by the substituentes on C 3 ′ - N.

  20. 讨论利用单一LDV系统,激光束的扫描方式采用圆锥扫描,在扫描圆锥的垂直截面上取四个正交点上的多普勒风速矢量。

    The technique which utilize a conical scanning manner known as velocity azimuth display based on single LDV system is described .

  21. 以高纯环烷酸为原料,合成了一系列含咪唑啉环的新型离子液体Ⅰ~Ⅴ,探讨了阳离子咪唑啉基团中N(3)原子上取代基与缓蚀性能的关系。

    A series of new ionic liquids ⅰ & ⅴ with imidazoline ring were synthesized from highly pure naphthenic acids . The relationship between the alkyl connecting with N_ ( 3 ) of imidazoline ring and corrosion inhibition performance was investigated .

  22. 基于Gurtin变分原理本文提出了求解动力响应问题的半解析法.该方法在空间域内进行有限元离散,在时间域上取级数。

    The semi-analytical method derived by the authors based on Gurtin varia-tional principle to solve dynamic response ' akes finite element discretization in space domain and series in time domain .

  23. 方法:从尸体(10具)上取三叉神经根标本,对三叉神经感觉根(TNSR)进行石蜡包埋及连续切片,并系统观察;

    Methods : Two trigeminal nerve root and the trigeminal nerve sensory root ( TNSR ) were obtained from 10 anatomic cadav ers and were paraffin embedded .

  24. 本文合成了68个吡啶酮偶氮型分散染料及C.I.分散黄119,研究了重氮组份及偶合组份上取代基与染料光谱性能的关系。

    Disperse Yellow 119 were synthesized . The relationship between the absorption spectra of dyes and the substituents in the diazo and coupling component was studied . Media , carbon sources and nitrogen sources could affect the decolorization .

  25. 我4年前从人造物上取下的碎片。

    The fragment I took from the artifact four years ago .

  26. 埃文斯从独木舟上取下了自带工具。

    Evans had taken a native implement out of the canoe .

  27. 少校把布条从他的眼睛上取下来。

    The major was taking the cotton from his eyes .

  28. 把那廉价的扣针从我的耳朵上取下来。

    And get that cheap stud out of my ear .

  29. 从椅子上取的样本血迹测试呈阳性。

    Sample from this chair just tested positive for blood .

  30. 从桅座上取下(桅杆)

    To remove ( a mast ) from a step .