
  • 网络fixing pin;retainer pin;anchor pin;Dowel Pin
  1. 用固定销固定防止散开的锁。

    Secure the anti-spread lock with the retaining pin .

  2. 拧下发动机护罩的固定销。

    Unscrew mounting pins for the engine cover .

  3. 用孔对齐方式将车门防护移至托架中并且插上固定销。

    Position the door restraint in bracket with the holes aligned and insert the retaining pin .

  4. 用弹簧卡子卡住固定销。

    Clip safety clip onto pin .

  5. 结果表明在活塞镶圈的固定销孔处产生了较大的应力集中。

    The FEA results show that stress concentration appears in the fixing hole of the ring carrier .

  6. 将固定销尽可能深地滑入固定卡子上的开口中,然后将其折断。

    Slide the retaining pins as far as they will go into the openings on the retaining clips and break them off .

  7. 重点叙述了衬套材料的代用、制动凸轮轴的修复、制动蹄滚轮的改进以及固定销衬套的代用方法。

    It lays stress on the substitution of bush material , remedy of brake camshaft , improving of brake shoe roller and substitution of fixed pin bush , etc.

  8. 拆下固定活塞销的两个夹。

    Remove 2 clips securing piston pin .

  9. 两伸缩柄由硬性材料做成并由铆钉和帽沿固定卡销安装在帽沿上。

    Two expansion stems are made by hard materials and arranged on the brim through a rivet and the brim fixed catch .

  10. 本产品当帽子使用时两伸缩柄由铆钉和帽沿固定卡销固定在帽沿两侧面上。

    The product has the two expansion stems being fixed on two side faces of the brim through the rivet and the brim fixed catch when using the hat .

  11. 用固定卡子slb10固定销。

    Secure the pin with the retaining clip slb10 .

  12. 该安全销可穿过安全销导向孔板插入安全销固定孔板的销孔中;

    The safety pin can penetrate a safety pin guide pore plate and insert the pin hole of the fixed pore plate of the safety pin .