
  • 网络fixed vector
  1. 设想运用固定向量中的极限概率代替以往的岩性比率作岩比图更加合理有意义。

    The authors inferred that it is more reasonable to make lithology ratio graphics with the limiting probability in the fixed vector than with the lithology ratio only .

  2. 具有固定得分向量的竞赛矩阵的数目

    On the Number of Tournaments with Prescribed Score Vector

  3. 刻画了具有固定得分向量的双弧竞赛图数目的生成函数并据此研究了得分向量计数的一些极值问题。

    The generating function for the cardinalities T_2 ( S ) of the double-arc tournaments with given score-vector S is introduced and studied , which may reveal some extremal properties of the number T_2 ( S ) .

  4. 在本文中,固定长度特征向量的每个分量都是频域空间中相应低频复系数的模。

    As a result , a word image can be represented by a fixed-length feature vector and each component is the modulus of the corresponding complex coefficient .

  5. 竞赛矩阵和竞赛图由于具有固定行和向量及列和向量的非负矩阵类的计数,是组合数学的一个非常困难的问题,因此对具有固定得分向量的竞赛矩阵的计数问题也比较困难。

    But it is very difficult to compute the number of non-negative matrix with fixed score row or column vectors , so to compute the number of tournament matrix with fixed score vector is also difficult .

  6. 其次,将这些API函数按相关的恶意行为分类并形成维数固定的特征行为向量存入数据库。

    Secondly , classifying the API functions based on malicious behavior and conducting a fixed dimension characteristic behavior vector into the behavior database .

  7. 仿真结果表明:固定尺度最小二乘支持向量机在训练各种样本数据集时,有效地避开了LS-SVM中的稀疏性问题,且训练速度快,同时具有良好的预测精度。

    The simulation results indicate that fixed size LS_ - SVM shortens the training time enormously and possesses good predicting precision on different datasets .

  8. 分散固定模的特征向量判别法及其应用

    Criterion of decentralized fixed modes by eigenvectors with its application

  9. 固定尺度最小二乘支持向量机

    Fixed Size Least Squares Support Vector Machines