
  • 网络bilinear operator
  1. 本文用双线性算子方法研究了一个非线性方程,该方程是KdV方程向高阶的一个推广。

    In this paper , the bilinear operator method is applied to the seventh order KdV equation which is a higher order extension to the KdV equation .

  2. 双线性算子和非线性方程的双线性形式两种不同形式紧密纺纱线的性能比较

    The Bilinear Operator and Bilinear Forms of Nonlinear Equations ; Performance comparison of two different compact-spun yarns

  3. 通过引入双线性算子,经过等价变换得到用双线性导数表示的S-G方程。

    The nonlinear S-G equation is transformed and expressed by using bilinear operator .

  4. 简要地总结了双线性算子及其主要性质和一些非线性方程的双线性形式,并对部分非线性偏微分方程如何变换成双线性形式进行了探讨;

    This paper summarizes briefly the bilinear operator , its property , and some bilinear forms of nonlinear equations . Then we discuss the ways to transform some nonlinear partial differential equations into bilinear forms .

  5. 第一部分系统地总结了双线性微分算子的性质以及孤子方程的双线性化工作。介绍解的Wronskian和Pfaffian表示形式,包括Grammian型解的表示形式;

    Part I is devoted to summarize some properties of Hirota 's bilinear operators , the properties of Wronskian and Pfaffian that appears in the expression of the N-soliton solution of the soliton equation .

  6. 采用了基于多尺度空间的微分光流算法,不仅对运动速度和速度变化较大的情况具有很好的适应性,而且采用了双线性插值算子以缓解误差传播效应。

    According to these improvements , the differential optical flow algorithm based on multi-scale-space focusing can not only adapt itself to larger motion velocity and larger velocity change , but also alleviate the error propagation effect through adopting bilinear interpolation operator . 3 .

  7. 双线性Boltzmann积分算子对Lennard-Jones分子模型的近似计算简支边直角三角形正交各向异性板挠度近似计算

    Approximate Calculation of Bilinear Boltzmann Intergral Operator for Lennard-Jones Molecular Model Approximate Calculation of Deflection in Orthotropic Plate of Right Triangle with Simply Supported Edge

  8. 齐型空间上双线性C-Z奇异积分算子的加权有界性

    Weighted boundedness of bilinear C-Z singular integral operators on space of homogeneous type