
yī yuán fāng chéng
  • equation with one unknown quantity
一元方程 [yī yuán fāng chéng]
  • [equation with one unknown quantity] 含有一个未知数的方程,例如 3x+5=7

一元方程[yī yuán fāng chéng]
  1. 角膜线形瘢痕与角膜散光之间相关性的一元方程分析

    The simple equation of linear regression analysis of the relation between traumatic corneal scar and astigmatism

  2. 提出了求一元方程实根的两种单点迭代法,证明了他们的局部收敛性,并且证明了他们是至少三阶收敛的,据此构造了一个至少三阶收敛的迭代函数族。

    This paper introduces some of the iterative methods for solving equations of one variable , and proves that these iterative methods have local convergence and third order convergence at least on the basis of which an iterative function family is formed .

  3. 巧妙地运用中间变量,找到灰度梯度与聚焦像表面梯度之间的映射关系,将灰度约束方程转变为可求解的一元方程,从而解出聚焦像表面的深度信息。

    To use mid-variable skillfully , the mapping relation between gray gradient of CCD image and gradient of focused image surface ( FIS ) has been found , and the gray restricting equation has been changed into solvable monadic equation to find depth information on the FIS .

  4. 得出的结论是:用一元回归方程推算AME值既简单又较精确。

    The conclusion was that it was not only simple but also precise to calculate AME values by using regression equation of one variable .

  5. 一元回归方程的建立和选优

    Establishing and Optimal Choosing of Regression Equation

  6. 文中通过分析,提出了描写此种运动的一元能量方程、动量方程和输沙平衡方程。

    The equations of Energy momentum , and balancing of the sediment transportation are derived theoretically .

  7. 在大学物理实验中,涉及到一元线性方程问题,常用的比较精确的处理数据的方法是最小二乘法。

    Involving a linear equation issue we used the precise data processing method is the least square method in college physics experiment .

  8. 结合成本模型法,介绍一元高次方程的迭代解法,便于有关人员采用。

    This paper uses the cost model method to introduce the iteration algorithm of monobasic high power equation which is convenient to use .

  9. 一元线性方程、抛物线方程及非线性阻尼振动方程对描述土壤缓冲速率及缓冲量动力学具有适应性;

    Linear equation with one unknown , parabolic equation and nonlinear damped vibration equation well fit to describe the dynamics of Lou soil buffering rate or value .

  10. 利用装备战损模拟平台收集了大量的装备战损仿真数据,据此建立了各因素对于杀伤效果的一元回归方程;

    A great deal of damage simulation data are collected based on the simulation platform and the unitary regression equation of damage effect for each factor is built .

  11. 求解一元非线性方程的埃特金算法是一种线性化自动迭代算法,其每次迭代需要计算两次函数值。

    Aitken algorithm , exploited to solve nonlinear equations with one variable , is an automatic linear iterative algorithm , in which each iteration needs computing function values twice .

  12. 对有解一元代数方程,用对分法等数值计算方法求得二聚体系平衡常数,并以拟合误差为判据确定最终二聚体系平衡常数。

    If the equation is solvable , equilibrium constant of dimerization system is obtained by dichotomy and its final equilibrium constant of dimerization system is determined according to the principle of error of fitting .

  13. 结果表明:采用遗传算法、三次设计法和改进单纯形法等建立一元材积方程优于对数线性化最小二乘法;

    Biloba , the one variable volume equation were established by the genetic algorithm , the three designs and the modified simplex , and were compared with the logarithm linearise minimization double multiplication method .

  14. 利用棉花观测资料分析了气孔阻力与土壤水势的关系,并根据气孔阻力在冠层内的垂直变化,建立棉花冠层内气孔阻力的一元回归方程。

    The simulation model of the stomata resistance in the cotton canopy is come up on the basis of the relationship between the stomata resistance and soil energy , using field experimental data in combination with the diurnal vertical changes .

  15. 利用多元线性方程与一元多次方程对以上关系进行了回归分析,建立了相对应的数学模型,并对2010年湖南省农机保有量进行了合理的预测。

    Multiple linear equations and many times a dollar equation have been adoped to undertake the above regression analysis , and some corresponding mathematical models have been established . The agricultural machinery holding of Hunan in 2010 was forecast by the models successfully .

  16. 一元n次方程的极限解计算法

    The algorithms of limit solution for one dimension equation of the n-degree

  17. 结论一元二次方程可以很好反映淋巴细胞DNA断片迁移长度与γ射线照射剂量之间的量效曲线。

    Conclusions The quadratic model is fit for the curvilinear relationship of the migration length to radiation dose .

  18. 根据一元线性回归方程可较好地预测油田现场各钻井液添加剂对COD的影响,为解决钻井污水处理这一难题提供科学依据。

    The influences of different field site additives upon COD in the sewage may be predicted fairly by one-dimensional linear regression equation , which provided scientific proof to solve the difficult problem of processing drilling sewage .

  19. 将固定pH滴定法结合求解一元线性回归方程组应用于极弱酸(碱)混合体系中各组分含量的同时测定。

    In this paper , the combination use of the definite pH titration and the solution of monadic linear regression equation and its application to the simultaneous determination of co-existing components in a very weak acids ( or bases ) mixture is reported .

  20. 以符号运算为工具,应用吴方法得到非线性方程组的特征列,从而导出3-RPR平面并联机构正运动学封闭形式解为与现有文献不同的一元六次方程。

    A new closed-form solution of 3-RPR planar paralled mechanism was obtained , which was a 6-th degree equation in one variable .

  21. 拐点和一元三次方程的求根公式

    Inflection Point and the Formula of Extracting Roots on Cubic Equation

  22. 一元线性回归方程在千斤顶校验中的应用

    The application of one-place linear regression equation in lifting jack checking

  23. 一元线性回归方程在大电流分流器测量中的应用

    Application of Unitary Linear Regression Equation for Measuring This Great Diffluent Utensil

  24. 一元四次方程2种根式求解算法的精度分析

    Accurate Analysis of Two Root Algorithms on Solving Quartic Equation

  25. 含参数一元二次方程根的性质

    The Properties of the Real Root of Equation of One-place 2-th Order

  26. 有关一元二次方程问题的误解剖析

    Analysis on Some Common Errors in Solving Quadratic Equations

  27. 烃源岩排烃系数的一元二次方程及其应用

    One Variable Quadratic Equation of Expulsion Coefficient from Source Rocks and Its Application

  28. 基于一元三次方程求解的地心坐标至大地坐标的严密变换

    A Rigorous Conversion from Geocentric to Geodetic Coordinates Based on the Solution to Univariate Cubic Equation

  29. 文章通过对一元二次方程的演绎,展示教学过程中教师如何引导学生研究数学问题的变化与发展过程。

    This paper demonstrates how teachers instruct students to study the change and processing of mathematics problems .

  30. 运用一元线性回归方程制定计件工资单价的探讨

    Inquiring Into Determining the Unit Price of Piece Rate Wage by the Regression Linear Equation With One Unknown Quantity