
  • 网络A Letter from an Unknown Woman
  1. 中国电影《一个陌生女人的来信》和《夜宴》对西方文学经典的改编是全球化时代下一个意味深长的跨文化现象。

    Chinese movies A Letter from an Unknown Woman and The Banquet are adaptations of western literature , and this is a meaningful Cross-cultural phenomenon in globalization .

  2. 2004年,徐静蕾凭借影片《一个陌生女人的来信》获西班牙圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最佳导演奖,从而赢得国际声誉。

    Xu won international acclaim when she won the best director award for " Letter From An Unknown Woman " at the2004 San Sebastian International Film Festival in Spain .

  3. 茨威格小说《一个陌生女人的来信》中的女性形象

    The Woman Image in Zweig 's Letter from an Unknown Woman

  4. 《一个陌生女人的来信》的影像叙事&小说与电影的比较

    The Portrayal with Image and Narration in A Letter from an Unknown Women

  5. 其次,主要从情节、人物、环境三个方面来分析小说和电影《一个陌生女人的来信》之间的内容转换。

    Second , mainly from the three aspects of the plot , character , and environment to analysis the content transformation between novel and film Letter from an Unknown Woman .

  6. 茨威格的小说《一个陌生女人的来信》因中国艺人创造性接受而再次产生巨大反响,这在中外文化艺术交流史上具有特殊而重大的意义。

    A Letter from a Strange Woman has obtained a special recognition and found a resonant echo , which has important significance in the history of Chinese and foreign culture communion .

  7. 萍水相逢的陌生人之恋的魅力,跟过程的迅速短暂成正比。从恋父到自恋&解读《我和爸爸》和《一个陌生女人的来信》

    The charms of the passing stranger are generally in direct ratio to the swiftness of our passage . From Electra to Narcissus : A Reading of Father and I and Letter from an Unknown Woman ;