
  • 网络The World of Yesterday;Die Welt von Gestern
  1. 不过,如果说细节的详尽程度是衡量可信度的标准的话,那么,几乎没有什么资料来源能够与国际能源机构(IEA)昨日发布的《世界能源展望》(WorldEnergyOutlook)相提并论。

    If exhaustive detail is a measure of credibility , though , few sources equal the International Energy Agency 's World Energy Outlook , published yesterday .

  2. 在昨日举行的巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上,他提出新服务将与以下产品有相似之处:谷歌曾经研发了自己的Nexus品牌智能手机,但由其他手机制造商进行生产。

    Speaking at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona yesterday , he pointed to parallels with how Google had developed its own smartphones under the Nexus brand , which were manufactured by other handset makers .