
  1. 北京-伊斯坦布尔-雅典:UIA第22届世界建筑师大会情况及建筑考察印象

    Beijing-Istanbul-Athens : Introduction of the 22nd congress of UIA and impression on the local abuildings

  2. 建构21世纪的建筑与文化观念&第20届世界建筑师大会建筑与文化分题论文评析

    Analysing the Academic Treatises of the Sub theme of Architecture & Culture in the 20th UIA Congress

  3. 并以世界各地建筑师的最新超建筑作品为实例进行分析和研究。

    And architects from around the world the latest ultra-building work as an example for analysis and research .

  4. 不仅如此,我们还能得益于这些世界级建筑师对于材料知识的专业把握,将优美造型与实用功能相结合。

    You also benefit from the skills of world class architects-expert knowledge of materials , sleek looks all combined with precise functionality .

  5. 不仅如此,荷兰丰富而独特的治水经验、以及诸如梵•高、伦伯朗这样的艺术大师和闻名当今世界的建筑师&雷姆‧库哈斯,无一不是荷兰的骄傲。

    Other examples include Dutch water management , Dutch masters such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt and , more recently , the success of architect Rem Koolhaas .

  6. 来自世界各地的建筑师都蜂拥而至这座处处高楼耸立的大都市——北京

    Architects from around the world are thronging to Beijing theacross the capital .

  7. 重建大仓酒店的是原建筑师谷口的儿子,世界著名的建筑师谷口吉生(YoshioTaniguchi),后者毕业于哈佛大学,曾在11年前重新设计了纽约现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)。

    Recreating the Okura is the original architect 's world-famous son , Yoshio Taniguchi , a graduate of Harvard who 11 years ago redesigned the Museum of Modern Art in New York .

  8. 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特是名声享誉世界的美国建筑师。

    The man behind the famous Guggenheim Museum , Frank Lloyd Wright , may be the most revered architect in American history .

  9. 来自世界各地的建筑师蜂拥而至,观赏偶尔也会批评北京拔地而起的宏伟新建筑。

    Architects from around the world are thronging to Beijing to marvel and occasionally snipe at the epic new buildings springing up across the capital .

  10. 服饰和建筑的设计原点是一致的,在多元化的世界里,期望建筑师多多关心服装文化,必定对建筑设计有益。

    Because costume design has the consistent original start with architecture design , in this multielement world , we look forward that it is benefit for architect on design to pay more attention to the costume culture .