
  • 网络World Geopark;unesco geoparks;UNESCO Geopark
  1. 兴文石海世界地质公园SWOT分析和产品营销战略

    Marketing Strategy Based on SWOT Analysis of the Xingwen World Geopark

  2. 兴文石海世界地质公园地质环境敏感度评价

    Assessment of Sensitivity of the Xingwen World Geopark to Geological Environment

  3. 基于AVC的兴文世界地质公园旅游景观评价

    Evaluation of Tourism Landscape for Xingwen Karst Global Geo-park Based on AVC

  4. 为验证ANP评价模型的科学性以及合理性,以雁荡山世界地质公园为主要研究对象,并以黄山、庐山和泰宁世界地质公园作为其比较研究对象,对地质公园旅游竞争力进行实证研究。

    In order to verify the ANP evaluation model is scientific and reasonable or not , the paper taking the Yandang world geological park as the main research objects and Huangshan , Lushan Mountain and Taining world Geopark as a comparative object to study .

  5. 庐山世界地质公园旅游可持续发展策略探讨

    Exploration on Sustainable Development Strategy for UNESCO Lushan Global Geopark Tourism

  6. 嵩山世界地质公园旅游开发与可持续发展

    Exploitation and sustainable development of tourism in Mount Songshan World Geopark

  7. 房山世界地质公园保护与开发研究分析

    Research and Analysis of the Fangshan World 's Protection and Development

  8. 兴文世界地质公园天泉洞游客接待潜力估算

    Potential Tourist Reception Assessment in Tianquan Hole of Xingwen Karst Global Geo-park

  9. 房山世界地质公园地质遗迹景观资源特征及评价

    Characteristics and assessment of geological heritages in Fangshan World Geopark

  10. 浅析美国国家公园管理经验对我国世界地质公园的启示

    Revelation of the Management Experiences of National Parks in the United States

  11. 兴文世界地质公园的旅游循环经济模式探讨

    Preliminary Study of Circular Development of Tourism in the Xingwen World Geopark

  12. 中国地质公园地质背景浅析和世界地质公园建设

    Geological background of national geoparks of China and construction of world geoparks

  13. 石林世界地质公园旅游资源评价与旅游产品规划设计

    Evaluation of Tourism Resources of Stone Forest World Geo-park and Tourism Products Planning

  14. 浅论兴文世界地质公园生态旅游开发优势与对策

    Advantages and Countermeasures on the Development of Eco-tourism Resource in Xingwen World Geo-park

  15. 黄山世界地质公园地质景观资源类型及开发与保护

    Types of the Geo-landscape in Mt. Huangshan Geo-park and its Exploitation and Protection

  16. 庐山世界地质公园及其周边地区的主要地质景观

    Geological landscapes in world geopark of Lushan mountain

  17. 房山世界地质公园自然和文化遗产保护与可持续发展研究

    Study on Protection and Sustainable Development of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Fangshan Global Geopark

  18. 基于利益相关者理论的地质公园环境管理分析&以四川兴文世界地质公园为例

    Environmental Management of Geopark Based on Party Interested & By the Example of the Xingwen World Geopark

  19. 三叠纪地质公园可补充世界地质公园的内容,是地质公园的一个亮点。

    It will enrich the substances of world geological parks , and serve as a new highlight in geological parks .

  20. 整合旅游资源发展旅游经济&大湘西区域县域经济发展战略研究兴文世界地质公园的旅游循环经济模式探讨

    Conform Tourist Resources and Develop Tourist Economy ; Preliminary Study of Circular Development of Tourism in the Xingwen World Geopark

  21. 为了更好地带动地方经济,积极地保护地质遗产,联合国教科文组织提出了创建世界地质公园计划。

    UNESCO put forward the plan of Global Geoparks Network in order to promote local economic development and protect geological heritage .

  22. 中国两处地质公园入选联合国教科文组织世界地质公园名录,至此,我国世界地质公园数量升至41处。

    China has added another two geological parks to its list of UNESCO Global Geoparks , bringing the total number to 41 .

  23. 联合国教科文组织1999年提出创建世界地质公园计划,将我国作为计划试点国家之一。

    In 1999 UNESCO put forward the plan to build world geological parks and China is one of the countries in the plan .

  24. 房山世界地质公园于2006年9月联合国教科文组织召开的第2届世界地质公园大会上被评为世界地质公园。

    Fangshan Global Geopark was ranked as the global geopark at the 2nd Global Geopark Conference which was held by UNESCO on September in 2006 .

  25. 2004年2月,五大连池以其山苍、石怪、洞幽、水秀、泉奇的迷人魅力成为中国首批世界地质公园。

    With verdant hills , strange rocks , deep caves , limpid waters and miraculous springs , they become the first world geological parks in China .

  26. 摘要概述了伏牛山世界地质公园发展生态旅游的优势,对伏牛山世界地质公园生态旅游资源的开发提出了初步的开发原则和建议。

    The article outlines the advantages of the development of eco-tourism and makes preliminary proposal of the development of eco-tourism about Funiu Mountain World Geological park .

  27. 近年来,随着联合国教科文组织建立世界地质公园计划的快速推进,我国对地质遗迹的保护和开发也给予了高度重视。

    In recent years , along with UNESCO advance apace to construction world geo-park plan , protection and utilization of geological relics got high recognization in China .

  28. 贵州的地质旅游资源得天独厚,国家地质公园的建设、世界地质公园的申报都为贵州开发地质旅游准备了充足条件。

    Guizhou is rich in original geological resources . National geological park construction and geological park of the world declaration has prepared ample conditions for developing Guizhou geological tourism .

  29. 去年10月,河南省云台山世界地质公园新建的玻璃栈道开通后仅仅两周就出现了裂纹。

    In October last year , cracks appeared in a mountainside glass walkway in Yuntaishan Scenic Park , in China 's central Henan province , just two weeks after opening .

  30. 其中生态、佛教文化旅游富有特色,全国重点寺庙南华禅寺和世界地质公园丹霞山等景区闻名海内外。

    In which ecological , distinctive Buddhist culture , tourism , national key temples Nanhua Temple and the world geological park Danxiashan famous scenic spots such as at home and abroad .