
  • 网络World Conference;world meeting
  1. 控制结核伙伴关系Kochon奖于今年发起,将首次在巴黎会议宫殿举行的第三十七届肺部健康世界会议上颁发。

    The Stop TB Partnership Kochon Prize was inaugurated this year , and will be awarded for the first time , at the37th Union World Conference on Lung Health , Palais des Congr è s , Paris .

  2. 助理秘书长兼第四次妇女问题世界会议秘书

    Assistant Secretary-General and Secretary-General for the Fourth World Conference on Women

  3. 关于减少自然灾害世界会议的非洲共同立场

    African Common Position for the World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction

  4. 为所有儿童建立和平与安全的未来世界会议

    World Conference for a Peaceful and Secure Future for All Children

  5. 第四次妇女问题世界会议中国组织委员会

    China Organizing Committee for the Fourth World Conference on Women

  6. 关于制裁种族主义南非的世界会议筹备委员会

    Preparatory Committee for the World Conference on Sanctions against Racist South Africa

  7. 1995年妇女问题世界会议筹备活动信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Preparatory Activities for the 1995 World Conference on Women

  8. 特殊教育需要世界会议:机会与质量;

    World Conference on education for special education needs : access and quality ;

  9. 1990年代环境资料交流问题世界会议

    World Conference on Environmental Information Exchange in the 1990s

  10. 拉加经委会/加勒比共同体/妇发基金加勒比分区域第四次世界会议筹备会议

    ECLAC / CARICOM / UNIFEM Caribbean Subregional Meeting preparatory to the Fourth World Conference

  11. 妇女问题世界会议信托基金

    Trust Fund for the World Conference on Women

  12. 麻醉药品和致醉品管制世界会议

    World Conference for Drugs and Intoxicants Control

  13. 以援助农村妇女的行动筹备第四次妇女问题世界会议

    Assistance in support of rural women in preparation for the Fourth World Conference on Women

  14. 劳动妇女问题世界会议

    World Conference on Problems of Working Women

  15. 越界数据流动政策世界会议

    World conference on Transborder Data Flow Policies

  16. 主管青年事务部长世界会议

    World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth

  17. 关于危险废物的世界会议

    World Conference on Hazardous Wastes

  18. 制订第四次妇女问题世界会议后续机制行动方案的阿拉伯会议;

    Arab Conference for formulating a programme for action and follow-up mechanism to the fourth world conference ;

  19. 关于国际妇女年世界会议的建议的机构间特别会议

    Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on the Recommendations of the World Conference of the International Women 's Year

  20. 博鳌发展思路再探讨&世界会议中心辐射产生的奢华消费、旅游‘地球村’

    On Development Concept of Boao & Luxury Consumption and Tour in " the global village " around the World Conference Centre

  21. 拟订第四次妇女问题世界会议以行动谋求平等、发展与和平行动纲要的闭会期间工作组

    Inter-sessional working group on the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women : Action for Equality , Development and Peace

  22. 城市、地方政府和私营部门家庭问题世界会议在加班问题上我们与管理部门达成一项协议。

    World Conference of Cities , Local Government and Private Sector Partners on Families We did a deal with the management on overtime .

  23. 这次在日内瓦举行的会议是2001年在南非德班召开的反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不宽容现象的世界会议的后续会议。

    The Geneva conference is a follow-up to the2001 World Conference Against Racism , Racial Discrimination , Xenophobia , and Related Intolerance held in Durban South Africa .

  24. 主管社会发展和人道主义事务助理秘书长兼审查和评价联合国妇女十年成就世界会议秘书长

    Assistant Secretary-General for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs and Secretary-General of the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women

  25. 在1975年,联合国在墨西哥城召开了首次妇女问题全球会议,后来在哥本哈根(1980年)、内罗毕(1985年)和北京(1995年)举行了世界会议。

    In1975 , it convened in Mexico City the first global conference ever held on women , followed by world conferences in Copenhagen ( 1980 ), Nairobi ( 1985 ) and Beijing ( 1995 ) .

  26. 他是帕格沃什科学和世界事务会议(PugwashConferencesonScienceandWorldAffairs)的成员,这个组织创始使命是销毁核武器。

    He was a member of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs , whose founding mission was to eliminate nuclear weapons .

  27. CRU第十次世界铝会议的话题

    Topics of The Tenth CRU World Aluminum Conference

  28. 蓝色星球的绿色解决方案&记国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)世界理事会会议及第43届世界大会

    Green Solutions for a Blue Planet & IFLA World Council Meeting and 43 ~ ( rd ) World Congress

  29. 可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划;

    Plan of implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable development ;

  30. 教师组织关于预防艾滋病教育的世界协商会议

    World Consultation of Teachers ' Organizations on Education for AIDS Prevention