
  • 网络O'Hara;Jamie O'Hara;Maureen O'Hara;Dave O'Hara
  1. 她和未婚夫足球名将杰米奥哈拉的第一个孩子预计在7月底出生。

    She and footballer fianc é Jamie O'Hara are expecting their first child at the end of July .

  2. 福斯特成为了曼联队的英雄。他扑出了热刺队第一名主罚队员奥哈拉的射门,此后本特利又将点球射偏。

    Foster was the hero for United as he saved Jamie O'Hara 's opening kick for Spurs before David Bentley fired an effort wide .

  3. 瑞士信贷集团(CreditSuisseGroup)信贷承销业务负责人奥哈拉(TimO'Hara)说,债券市场显然已经关闭了。

    ' The [ bond ] market is clearly closed , 'said Tim O'Hara , who heads credit underwriting at Credit Suisse Group .

  4. 噢,奥哈拉小姐,我已经告诉你了我爱你。我觉得你是世界上最美的姑娘,最甜美的,最可爱的。

    Think you 're the most beautiful girl in the world .

  5. 奥哈拉:当然是联合政府的债券,亲爱的。

    HARA : Why , Confederate bonds of course , darling .

  6. 奥哈拉:你什么都做了,但就除了叫他出去。

    Mr.O'HARA : You did everything but call him out .

  7. 英迪亚:欢迎您来十二橡树,奥哈拉先生。

    INDIA : Welcome to Twelve Oaks , Mr. O'Hara .

  8. 查尔斯:奥哈拉小姐,你会伤心吗?

    CHARLES : Oh , Miss O'Hara , will you be sorry ?

  9. 查尔斯:但这是战争,奥哈拉小姐。

    CHARLES : But it 's war , Miss O'Hara !

  10. 奥哈拉:我们的队长怎么看的?

    Mr. O'HARA : And what does the captain of our say ?

  11. 奥哈拉:嫁给谁又有什么区别呢?

    Mr. O'HARA : What difference does it make whom you marry ?

  12. 奥哈拉:希礼·威尔克斯可不这么想。

    Mr. O'HARA : Ashley Wilkes doesn 't think so .

  13. 查尔斯:我不会,奥哈拉小姐。

    CHARLES HAMILTON : I won 't , Miss O'Hara .

  14. 查尔斯:奥哈拉,我说你可以嫁给我吗?

    CHARLES : Miss O'Hara , I said , would you marry me ?

  15. 这不是什么传闻,警官中士迈克尔奥哈拉说道,案件真真切切地发生着。

    This is no myth , Sergeant Michael OHara said . Its happening .

  16. 英迪亚:欢迎来到“十二橡树”,奥哈拉先生。

    INDIA : Welcome to Twelve Oaks , Mr.O'Hara .

  17. 奥哈拉:还会有他们的表亲,亚特兰大来的媚兰·汉密尔顿。

    Her brother Charles . SCARLETT : Melanie Hamilton .

  18. 奥哈拉:太感谢您了,英迪亚。

    Mr.O'HARA : : Thank you kindly , India .

  19. 奥哈拉:想也没有,他也不会。

    Mr. O'HARA : No , nor will he .

  20. 奥哈拉:你怎么对希礼和媚兰小姐这么感兴趣。

    Mr. O'HARA : What 's your interest in Ashley and Miss Melanie ?

  21. 不可能,她可以称我'奥哈拉先生',但是她不会照顾我的。

    No , ma 'm ! She gwine call me'mist'o'hara'but she ain'gwine Nuss me .

  22. 到目前为止,奥哈拉,特别是诺拉,是帕特森笔下最复杂人物中的两个代表。

    O'Hara and particularly Nora stand as two of Patterson 's most complex characters yet .

  23. 会吵醒奥哈拉先生的。

    You will wake Mr.O ' Hara .

  24. 斯佳丽有气无力地走进母亲的卧室,在寂静和黑暗当中,躺着去世了的奥哈拉太太。

    Scarlett walks into her mother 's room There , in dark and quietness , lies O'She 's.

  25. 邦妮一天天迅速成长,她越发显出作为杰拉尔德-奥哈拉的外孙女的本色来了。

    Bonnie grew rapidly and every day it became more evident that Gerald O'Hara had been her grandfather .

  26. 后来,诺拉引诱了奥哈拉,使得他对她的缉拿企图受到了情欲的破坏。

    In time , Nora seduces O'Hara , so his attempt to catch her is compromised by lust .

  27. 教练告诉我说如果是奥哈拉主罚的话,他很有可能踢向我的左边。

    I 'd been told if O'Hara took a kick that he would probably go to my left .

  28. 我为奥哈拉家叁代女人换过尿片,今天真是高兴的一天啊。

    I done diapered three generations of this family 's girls and it sure is a happy day .

  29. 奥哈拉:她要和工头结帐。不过她会来参加今晚的舞会的。

    Mr. O'HARA : She 's after the , but she 'll be along for the ball tonight .

  30. 奥哈拉:我不用我的女儿告诉我是跳还是不跳。

    Mr. O'HARA : I 'll not have me own daughter telling me what I shall jump and not jump .