
  • 网络Onegin;EUGENE ONEGIN
  1. 作为一个孩子,葛里切亚尼罗夫很幸运地参加了柴可夫斯基的歌剧《奥涅金》和《黑桃女王》的首演。

    As a boy , Gretchaninoff was lucky enough to attend the first performances of Tchaikovsky 's operas Eugene Onegin and The Queen of Spades .

  2. 浅析多余人奥涅金的形象特征

    On the Image and Character of the Superfluous Person-Eugene Onegin

  3. 奥涅金:一代贵族青年的肖像

    Auniekin & A Portrait of a Russian Young Aristocrat

  4. 本文研究的《奥涅金》是他最优秀的歌剧之一,也是他个人风格最典型的代表。

    Today we researched his one of best opera showing off his typical creating style .

  5. 评论家一直把奥涅金定位为“多余人”,有人据此对奥涅金形象提出了一些否定性的解读。

    The critics have evaluated Oniekin as " a superfluous person " . According to this opinion , some people made some negative understanding to the image of Oniekin .

  6. 曾主演过很多出色的舞剧包括:《希尔薇娅》中的爱神、《海盗》中的阿里、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的莫丘西奥、莫里斯贝加的《火鸟》及《奥涅金》中的兰斯基。

    He has performed in many ballet works , including Eros in Sylvia , Ali in Le Corsaire , Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet , Firebird , Onegin , Pink Floyd Ballet and Carmen .