
  • 网络aubrey;Aubry;Martine AUBRY
  1. 奥布里睡眠不足,这让他总是易怒。

    Aubrey had slept little and that always made him peevish

  2. 奥布里的眼睛还没有适应黑暗之前,这地方便已经让他觉得很压抑了。

    The place oppressed Aubrey even before his eyes adjusted to the dark

  3. 奥布里想不出有什么得体的办法能摆脱科比特。

    Aubrey could think of no graceful way to escape Corbet 's company

  4. 奥布里家的农场非常偏僻。

    Aubrey 's family 's farm is very isolated .

  5. 研究机构StrategiesforEngineeredNegligibleSenescence的联合创始人奥布里?德格雷(AubreydeGrey)认为,衰老只是一个工程问题。

    Aubrey de Grey , co-founder of Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence , a research centre , believes that ageing is just an engineering problem .

  6. 他的父亲在那里讲授计算机课程。他的父母奥布里•伍德(Aubrey)和桑德拉•伍德(SondraWood)共同在校园附近创建了一座跨教派教堂――MemorialRoadChurchofChrist。

    His father had taught the first computer course there , and his parents-Aubrey and Sondra Wood-co-founded a nondenominational church near the campus , Memorial Road Church of Christ .

  7. 即便企业家彼得•蒂尔(PeterThiel)和学者奥布里•德格雷(AubreydeGrey)宣称第1个能活到1000岁的人已经出现的说法过于乐观,但可以预计,今天出生的儿童的寿命将远不止80岁。

    Children born today can expect to live well beyond 80 years , even if the claim by Peter Thiel and Aubrey de Grey that the first 1,000-year man is already alive is optimistic .

  8. 奥布里:你为什么不早说呢?

    Aubrey : Why didn 't you say that earlier ?

  9. 这里就是罗伊和奥布里待过的地方。

    This is it , this is where Roy and Aubrey stayed .

  10. 奥布里,我知道失败的恐惧。

    Aubrey , I 've known the fear of losing .

  11. 我们必须找出谁有杀奥布里的动机。

    We need to figure out who had a motive to kill aubrey .

  12. 奥布里,你能告诉我他长得什么样吗?

    Aubrey , can you tell me what the blue man looked like ?

  13. 奥布里就在这里被谋杀了!

    Aubrey was murdered right here in this room !

  14. 你看昨晚奥布里一家开了个巨型派对

    Check it out . The Aubreys had this huge party last night ,

  15. 那是奥布里的手链吧?

    That was aubrey 's Bracelet wasn 't it ?

  16. 要委婉地向她透露这消息,奥布里[31]!

    Break the news to her gently , Aubrey !

  17. 众筹平台“Gofundme”以这张照片为奥布里启动了集资。

    A gofundme page featuring the image has now been set up for Aubrey .

  18. 这两种解释都适用于切萨皮克能源公司奥布里?

    Either way , it fits Aubrey McClendon , the boss of Chesapeake energy .

  19. 奥布里:这些小疙瘩叫乳突。

    Aubrey : Little bumps called papillae .

  20. 仅仅一天的时间,援助奥布里和她妈妈的捐款就达到了795美元。

    Donations towards supporting Aubrey and her mother have reached $ 795 in a day .

  21. 奥布里:彼得·米格罗姆是华盛顿大学的一名研究人员兼牙医。

    Aubrey : Peter Milgrom is a researcher and dentist at the University of Washington .

  22. 奥布里:因为过去的研究显示,味觉超敏感者对许多食物的味觉感受都比较强烈。

    Aubrey : Because past studies have shown that supertasters experience stronger taste sensations from lots of foods .

  23. 奥布里:海斯利用蓝色食用色素来确定人们对于味道的感知程度。

    Aubrey : Hayes uses the blue food dye to determine just how intensely people can perceive tastes .

  24. 可爱的女婴奥布里在照片里露出了浅浅的微笑,让人看着就心碎--幸福的宝贝可不知道,她再也见不到爸爸了。

    The adorable tot smiles in this poignant photograph , blissfully unaware that she will never know her father .

  25. 托兰被奥布里的巨石阵理论迷住,但没有相信奥布里,并且写了自己的书。

    Toland was fascinated by Aubrey 's Stonehenge theories , and wrote his own book , without crediting Aubrey .

  26. 他最好与像奥布里这样的潜在对手提前达成某种协议。

    Better to work out some sort of deal with potential rivals , such as Ms Aubry , ahead of time .

  27. 蒂普敦和她的丈夫迦勒还有两个女儿,分别是9岁的索菲亚和8岁的奥布里。

    Tipton and her husband , Caleb , have two other daughters , Sophia , 9 , and Aubrey , 8 .

  28. 对于前劳工部部长奥布里而言,这相对容易,10年前,她曾帮助推出一周工作35小时的政策。

    This is easier for MS Aubry , who as Employment Minister helped to launch the 35 hour week a decade ago .

  29. 女婴的爸爸赫克托·阿尔维斯今年25岁,4月份在佛罗里达被枪杀,他再也没有机会见到女儿奥布里了。

    Hector Alvarez , 25 , was shot and killed in Florida in April and never got to meet his baby daughter Aubrey .

  30. 在西方,女性参加总统竞选已经不是例外了,诸如玛蒂娜??奥布里和玛琳??勒庞。

    In the West it is no longer exceptional for women such as Martine Aubry or Marine Le Pen to run for the highest office .